The Problem Club

The Problem Club is an infamous London Club which meets once a month to discuss a given problem. The problems have nothing to do with mathematics, but are social problems, in the broadest possible sense of the word. For instance, how does one manage to kiss ten young ladies on the cheek within the space of one hour without offending any of them? Would you be able to solve this problem? Watch the members of the Problem Club compete and find out how it is done.

By : Barry Pain (1864 - 1928)

01 - The Giraffe Problem

02 - The Kiss Problem

03 - The Free Meal Problem

04 - The Win-and-Lose Problem

05 - The Handkerchief Problem

06 - The Identity Problem

07 - The Shakespearean Problem

08 - The Impersonation Problem

09 - The Alibi Problem

10 - The Threepenny Problem

11 - The Q-Loan Problem

12 - The Pig-Keeper's Problem


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