The Tale of Muley Cow

This series of Tuck Me In Tales and Slumber Town Tales of animal stories for children from three to eight years, tells of the adventures of the four-footed creatures of Pleasant Valley in an amusing way, which delights small two-footed human beings. This books focuses on Muley Cow, the Green family farmyard cow.

By : Arthur Scott Bailey (1877 - 1949)

01 - Johnnie Green's Favorite

02 - Why Johnnie Hurried

03 - Working for a Prize

04 - Owning a Boy

05 - The Friendly Scarecrow

06 - Buffalo Hunts

07 - A Little Surprise

08 - It Was a Bear

09 - Wearing a Poke

10 - A Slight Mistake

11 - The Unruly Muley

12 - The Cowbirds

13 - Truth Will Out

14 - The Muskrats' Warning

15 - Carrying a Message

16 - Clover Tops

17 - No Help from Spot

18 - One Apple Too Many

19 - A Question of Luck

20 - Good Corn Wasted

21 - A Brave Deed

22 - Trying to be Fierce

23 - The Vow of a Cow

24 - Humbugs

A few of the farmyard folk were a bit jealous of the Muley Cow. The little red lady that stood on one side of her, in the barn, often said that Johnnie Green was wasting too many goodies on her. It seemed as if he never entered the cow barn without bringing some tidbit for old Muley, as her neighbors called her—behind her back. If it wasn't a potato that Johnnie fished out of his pocket it might be an apple or a carrot, or maybe a piece of pumpkin, or turnip, or beet.

At such times the little red cow would cast a knowing look at the big white person on the other side of the Muley Cow, as if to say, "There! He's at it again! Did you ever, in all your life?" And the big white cow would twist her head as far around as her stanchion would let her, and stretch her lean neck to the utmost, hoping for a share of the treat. She often told the little red cow, privately, that the delicious smell of such things as potatoes and apples was enough to drive anybody frantic.

They had agreed, long before, that it was very unpleasant to be stabled beside Johnnie Green's favorite. That was what they called the Muley Cow—"the Favorite" (when they didn't speak of her as "old Muley"). But when they spoke to her they were as polite as you please, because she was the oldest cow on the farm and was an aunt to both of them.

Whenever Johnnie Green gave some dainty morsel to the Muley Cow he first cut it into medium sized pieces with his jackknife. There was a good reason why he did that, as you will learn later.

Merely feeding good things to her was not the only way in which Johnnie showed that the Muley Cow was his favorite. Next to the choice mouthfuls that he brought her, she liked to have him curry and brush her, just as he curried and brushed the ancient horse, Ebenezer. Especially in the winter, when she stood long hours in the barn with her neck in a stanchion, did the Muley Cow enjoy Johnnie's attentions with currycomb and brush.

In the summer, when she spent every day in the pasture, she was able to lick her back with her long, rough tongue whenever she pleased; and sometimes she would even get some friend to do it for her. But you may be sure she never sought such a favor of the little red cow, nor the big white one, either. Naturally they could scarcely have refused, had their aunt asked them. But the Muley Cow knew well enough that they would make disagreeable remarks afterward. So when she wanted help she usually turned to some cow whose place in the barn was a long way from her own. Somehow her best friends were those that didn't spend the winter near enough to her to notice whenever Johnnie Green gave her something good to eat.

Really it was not strange that Johnnie Green petted the Muley Cow. Farmer Green had given her to Johnnie. She belonged to him. But the Muley Cow never spoke of the matter in just that way. She preferred to say that Johnnie Green belonged to her.


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