Deeds of Daring done by Girls

Do not think, dear girls, that because you are girls you may not have as much courage as your brothers. I believe that quite as stout hearts beat beneath muslin frocks as under stuff jackets. When you have finished reading this book about your sisters, perhaps – if you do not already – you will agree with me, and think that it needs only occasion to call out the necessary courage. I have been asked which one of these heroines I think the most daring, but – oh dear – it would never do to have a favourite, would it? So I leave them to you, and that you will enjoy learning of their trials and triumphs is the wish of your friend, the author.

By : Hannah Hudson Moore (1857 - 1927)

01 - The Robe of the Duchess, part 1

02 - The Robe of the Duchess, part 2

03 - The Princess Wins

04 - Defence of Castle Dangerous

05 - The Pearl Necklace, part 1

06 - The Pearl Necklace, part 2

07 - The Pearl Necklace, part 3

08 - Dicey Langston

09 - The Maid of Zaragoza


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