Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends

The very cordial welcome given to my earlier volume of "Jewish Fairy Tales and Fables" has prompted me to draw further upon Rabbinic lore in the interest, chiefly, of the children. How the wise Rabbis of old took into account the necessities of the little ones, whose minds they understood so perfectly, is obvious from such legends as those dealing with boyish exploits of the great Biblical characters, Abraham, Moses, and David. These I have rewritten from the stories in the Talmud and Midrash in a manner suitable for the children of to-day.

I have ventured also beyond the confines of these two wonderful compilations. There is a wealth of delightful imagination in the legends and folk-lore of the Jews of a later period which is almost entirely unknown to children. I have drawn also on these sources for some of the stories here presented. My desire is to give boys and girls something Jewish which they may be able to regard as companion delights to the treasury of general fairy-lore and childish romance.

By : Gertrude Landa (1892 - )

01 - The Palace Of The Eagles

02 - The Giant Of The Flood

03 - The Fairy Princess Of Ergetz

04 - The Higgledy-piggledy Palace

05 - The Red Slipper

06 - The Star Child

07 - Abi Fressah's Feast

08 - The Beggar King

09 - The Quarrel Of The Cat And Dog

10 - The Water-babe

11 - Sinbad Of The Talmud

12 - The Outcast Prince

13 - The Story Of Bostanai

14 - From Shepherd-boy To King

15 - The Magic Palace

16 - The Sleep Of One Hundred Years

17 - King For Three Days

18 - The Palace In The Clouds

19 - The Pope's Game Of Chess

20 - The Slave's Fortune

21 - The Paradise In The Sea

22 - The Rabbi's Bogey-man

23 - The Fairy Frog

24 - The Princess Of The Tower

25 - King Alexander's Adventures


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