My Book of Favourite Fairy Tales

Here they are again, the old, old stories, the very best; dear Cinderella, wicked old Bluebeard, tiny Thumbling, beautiful Beauty and the ugly Beast, and a host of others. But the old stories, I may tell you, are always new, and always must be so, because there are new children to read them every day, and to these, of course, these old tales might have been written yesterday. And these old stories are new too, because each reader performs them in a unique way that brings a fresh interpretation to the story.

By : Edric Vredenberg (1860 - )

01 - The Goose Girl

02 - Little Snow-White

03 - Cinderella

04 - Princess Goldenhair

05 - Little Red Riding Hood

06 - The White Fawn

07 - Hansel and Grethel

08 - Snow-White and Rose-Red

09 - The Sleeping Beauty

10 - Prince Chéri

11 - The White Cat

12 - Bluebeard

13 - Beauty and the Beast

14 - Tufty Riquet

15 - Thumbling

Here they are again, the old, old stories, the very best; dear Cinderella, wicked old Bluebeard, tiny Thumbling, beautiful Beauty and the ugly Beast, and a host of others. But the old stories, I may tell you, are always new, and always must be so, because there are new children to read them every day, and to these, of course, these old tales might have been written yesterday.

But the stories in this book are new in another way. Look how they are clothed, look at their beautiful setting, the wonderful pictures! Have you ever seen such charming princes and lovely princesses, such dainty grace and delicate feeling?

What would our grandfathers and grandmothers have said of such a book! They would have thought there was magic in the brush and pencil.

Surely we are favoured in this generation when we see before us, the old, old fairy tales, which are ever new, dressed in such a beautiful and splendid fashion!


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