Scenes in Europe, for the Amusement and Instruction of Little Tarry-at-Home Travellers

In this little volume, Isaac Taylor takes us on a tour of Europe, anno 1824. We travel once around the entire continent, starting in England, through Scandinavia, Russia, down to Turkey, over the Alps, France, Spain, and back to England. The tour is made with poems and prose, and should be of interest to all listeners.

By : Isaac Taylor (1787 - 1865)

01 - Introduction

02 - England

03 - Icy Sea

04 - Norway

05 - Lapland

06 - Sweden

07 - Russia - 1

08 - Russia - 2

09 - Russia - 3

10 - Turkey

11 - Greece

12 - Archipelago

13 - Italy - 1

14 - Italy - 2

15 - Italy - 3

16 - Italy - 4

17 - Switzerland

18 - Hungary

19 - Austria

20 - Poland

21 - Germany - 1

22 - Germany - 2

23 - Denmark

24 - Holland

25 - France

26 - France - 2

27 - Spain

28 - Portugal

29 - England


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