The Houses of Sin

This is a volume of poetry by notable American horror story author Vincent O'Sullivan. These poems are as dark as most of his other writings, and are best enjoyed by those who are not faint of heart.

By : Vincent O'Sullivan (1868 - 1940)

01 - Prelude

02 - The Houses of Sin

03 - Malaria

04 - The Hour of Ghosts

05 - The Verge

06 - Drug

07 - Three Moments

08 - Love in Tears

09 - The Dancer at the Opera

10 - Woman of the Mist

11 - Shadows

12 - Children of Wrath

13 - Fear at Night

14 - Our Lady of the Fields

15 - Francis Borgia at Grenada

16 - Calvary Hill

17 - Hymn in May

18 - At the Gate of the Year

19 - The Full Moon

20 - A Silken Ladder

21 - Out of the Cloud

22 - Vale

23 - The Lonely Women

24 - A Slave of the Street

25 - To an Enemy - When Dying

26 - A Prayer

27 - The Rivals

28 - The Voice of the Winds

29 - God's Hour

30 - For the End


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