At Minas Basin and Other Poems

This is a volume by Canadian poet and educator Theodore H. Rand. The poems are short and varied, with beautiful expressions and reflecting many different emotions.

By : Theodore Harding Rand (1835 - 1900)

01 - Poesy Speaks

02 - At Minas Basin

03 - The Rain Cloud

04 - The Rose

05 - A Willow at Grand Pré

06 - The Bowing Dyke

07 - Love's Immanence

08 - Mystery

09 - The Night-Fisher

10 - A Deep-Sea Shell

11 - A Red Sunrise

12 - The Opal Fires are Gone

13 - The Cumulus Cloud

14 - Sea Fog

15 - Partridge Island

16 - Tennyson Rock

17 - Of Beauty

18 - The Undertow

19 - Glooscap

20 - Silas Tertius Rand

21 - The Tireless Sea

22 - The Veiled Presence

23 - Resistless Fate

24 - The Sea Undine

25 - To Emeline

26 - The Cirrus Cloud

27 - Day and Night

28 - Under the Beeches

29 - The Nightingale

30 - The Loon

31 - Hepaticas

32 - In the Mayflower Copse

33 - June

34 - An Inland Spruce

35 - The Ghost Flower

36 - Annapolis Basin

37 - In Autumn's Dreamy Ear

38 - Victor is He!

39 - McMaster University

40 - Conduct

41 - International Arbitration

42 - The House of God

43 - Ben Nachmani

44 - Renewal

45 - The Christ

46 - Revelation

47 - Light at Eventide

48 - Ben Shalom

49 - Banishment

50 - Now are the Bridals of the Leafy Wood

51 - May's Fairy Tale

52 - My Robin

53 - Elissa

54 - The Humming-Bird

55 - The Hepatica

56 - The White Rose. (At --'s Grave)

57 - The War Hercules

58 - In the Cool of the Day

59 - Beauty

60 - The Dragonfly

61 - Deathless

62 - A Dream

63 - Nature

64 - 'I Am'

65 - The Glad Golden Year

66 - Tetrapla

67 - Fairy Glen

68 - In City Streets

69 - Bay of Fundy

70 - At the Look-off. (Partridge Island)

71 - The Stormy Petrel

72 - Oblivion

73 - Sea Music

74 - Summer Fog

75 - The Arethusa

76 - Dian and Fundy. (Designs for a Time-Piece)

77 - The Old Fisher's Song

78 - Nora Lee

79 - To W

80 - Marie Depure

81 - 'By the Love.' - An Easter Idyll

A body of beauty is mine.
O poet, moulder of me,
Withhold not the breath divine,
The soul of truth that makes free.
Fair form in repose for a day
(The body of beauty of me)
With the pulse-beats of life all away,
Is well, for beauty and thee.
Yet give to me life all aglow,—
Not a demon of darkness to blight,
But a love-lit soul pure as snow,—
Beckon me an angel of light.
A body of beauty is mine.
O poet, moulder of me,
Inbreathe with breathings divine,
Or body alone let it be.


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