
Cinematic in style and rich in characterization, this novel is set in early 20th century Chicago – in a barroom, at home, and in the workplace. An alcoholic convinces himself of the reasonableness of “just one drink”. A priest defends the Church’s position on the indissolubility of marriage. It is a story of relationships impacted by human frailties, unusual generosity, and religion. “It is almost photographic in its accuracy of detail.”

By : Joseph Patterson (1879 - 1946)

01 - Chapter I Jim Connor

02 - Chapter II One Flesh

03 - Chapter III An Economic Unit

04 - Chapter IV The Head of the House

05 - Chapter V For Idle Hands to Do

06 - Chapter VI Triangulation

07 - Chapter VII A Sentimental Journey

08 - Chapter VIII The Life Force

09 - Chapter IX The Pretenders

10 - Chapter X Moxey

11 - Chapter XI Fusion

12 - Chapter XII Moxey's Sister

13 - Chapter XIII Reenter Jim

14 - Chapter XIV The Palace of the Unborn

15 - Chapter XV Mr. Silverman

16 - Chapter XVI Georgia Leaves Home

17 - Chapter XVII The Light Flickers

18 - Chapter XVIII The Priest

19 - Chapter XIX Sacred Heart

20 - Chapter XX Surrender

21 - Chapter XXI Worship

22 - Chapter XXII Kansas City

23 - Chapter XXIII The Last of the Old Man

24 - Chapter XXIV The New King

25 - Chapter XXV Jim Reenlists

26 - Chapter XXVI Eve

27 - Chapter XXVII The Naphthaline River

28 - Chapter XXVIII Albert Talbot Connor

29 - Chapter XXIX The Doctor Talks

30 - Chapter XXX Frankland and Connor

31 - Chapter XXXI The Stodgy Man

32 - Chapter XXXII Rebellion

33 - Chapter XXXIII The Ape

34 - Chapter XXXIV Which Begins Another Story


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