Rollo's Wild Oat

Rollo Webster is heir to an air-brake fortune, but his real interest is to play Hamlet, so he funds his own production of it. Comely Goldie MacDuff is given the role of Ophelia, and is acting to earn her living. Her inability to stay up late had already cost her a role in The Midnight Frolics. On opening night, Goldie has to interject to Rollo that her grandfather is dying, and he rushes off the stage. Rollo's dresser is pressed into service as a substitute Hamlet, but it turns out the costumes are not properly made. Back at home Rollo finds out his grandfather is not sick at all but feigned illness to save Rollo embarrassment. Rollo eventually proposes to Goldie.

By : Clare Kummer (1886 - 1958)

01 - Act I, Scene 1

02 - Act I, Scene 2

03 - Act II

04 - Act III, Scene 1

05 - Act III, Scene 2


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