The Blue Aunt

This is a very cute children's book. Mr. West's half-sister Matilda is orphaned and she comes staying with the family for a while. It looks like Mr West doesn't like her very much, her being "blue" and all. What this means is an entirely unknown concept to his children, but they also anticipate that they won't like her very much either. But then Matilda arrives and neither her skin nor her hair are blue at all, and she turns out very very nice - winning the hearts of the children in no time.

By : Eliza Orne White (1856 - 1947)

01 - The Letter

02 - The Blue Aunt Comes

03 - Nancy Merrifield and the Stranger

04 - The Plaid Dress

05 - Evelyn's War Work

06 - The Blue Aunt's Plan

07 - A Safe and Sane Fourth of July

08 - The Journey

09 - The Little Gays

10 - The Birthday Dinner

11 - The Story

12 - Jim and the Orphans

13 - The Home-Coming

14 - The Letter from France

15 - The Thanksgiving Candle


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