The Golden Gems of Life

Life is full of ups and downs, joys and trials. In this work, we are advised on how to deal with what fate deals us, the good and bad, the common and uncommon. Home, childhood, success and failure, perseverance, dignity, frugality, envy, charity... all these and more are explored in this 'guide to life'.

By : Emory Adams Allen (1853 - 1933) and S. C. Ferguson

000 - Preface

001 - Life

002 - Home

003 - Home Circle

004 - Father and Mother

005 - Infancy

006 - Childhood

007 - Brother and Sister

008 - Manhood

009 - Womanhood

010 - Home Harmonies

011 - Home Duties

012 - Aim of Life

013 - Success or Failure

014 - Dignity of Labor

015 - Perseverence

016 - Enterprise

017 - Energy

018 - Punctuality

019 - Concentration

020 - Decision

021 - Self-Confidence

022 - Practical Talents

023 - Education

024 - Mental Training

025 - Self-Culture

026 - Literature

027 - Mental Power

028 - Choice of Companions

029 - Friends

030 - Power of Custom

031 - Influence

032 - Character

033 - Prudence

034 - Temperance

035 - Frugality

036 - Patience

037 - Self-Control

038 - Courage

039 - Charity

040 - Kindness

041 - Benevolence

042 - Veracity

043 - Honor

044 - Policy

045 - Egotism

046 - Vanity

047 - Selfishness

048 - Obstinacy

049 - Slander

050 - Irritability

051 - Envy

052 - Discontent

053 - Deception

054 - Intermeddling

055 - Anger

056 - Ambition

057 - Politeness

058 - Sociability

059 - Dignity

060 - Affability

061 - The Toilet

062 - Gentleness

063 - Modesty

064 - Love

065 - Courtship

066 - Marriage

067 - Single Life

068 - Married Life

069 - Duties of Married Life

070 - Trials of Married Life

071 - Husband and Wife

072 - Jealousy

073 - Regret

074 - Memory

075 - Hope

076 - Prosperity

077 - Trifles

078 - Leisure

079 - Happiness

080 - True Nobility

081 - A Good Name

082 - Meditation

083 - Principles

084 - Opportunity

085 - Duty

086 - Trials

087 - Sickness

088 - Sorrow

089 - Poverty

090 - Affliction

091 - Disappointments

092 - Failure

093 - Despondency

094 - Faith

095 - Worship

096 - Religion

097 - God in Nature

098 - The Bible

099 - Future Life

100 - Time and Eternity

101 - The Evening of Life

102 - He who died at Azan (poem)

The design of this work is to rouse to honorable effort those who are wasting their time and energies through indifference to life's prizes. In the furtherance of this aim the authors have endeavored to gather from all possible sources the thoughts of those wise and earnest men and women who have used their pens to delineate life and its possibilities, its joys and its sorrows. They do not claim to have furnished more than the setting in which are placed these "Gems" of thought gathered thus from sources widely different.

Their hope is, that they may be able to rouse in the minds of the careless a sense of the value of existence. To those who are striving nobly for true manhood or womanhood, they would fain bring words of encouragement. They trust that many may derive from its pages inspirations which will serve to make real their hopes of success and happiness.


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