The Maid Of Sker

Who is Bardie? Her refined clothes show that she is not an ordinary girl. But why did she have to be saved from the sea by a fisherman? This story is through the eyes of the fisherman, who followed Bardie throughout her childhood and attempted to discover her roots.

Note: This text, published more than 150 years ago, contains race-related words and descriptions, which listeners may find offensive.

By : Richard Doddridge Blackmore (1825 - 1900)

01 - Fisherman Davy A Fish Out Of Water

02 - Hunger Drives Him A-fishing

03 - The Fish Are As Hungry As He Is

04 - He Lands An Unexpected Fish

05 - A Little Orphan Mermaid

06 - Finds A Home Of Some Sort

07 - Boat Versus Bardie

08 - Children Will Be Children

09 - Sandhills Turned To Sand-holes

10 - Under The Rock

11 - A Wrecker Wrecked

12 - How To Sell Fish

13 - The Coroner And The Coronet

14 - In Accordance With The Evidence

15 - A Verdict On The Jury

16 - Truth Lies Sometimes In A Well

17 - For A Little Change Of Air

18 - Public Approbation

19 - A Craft Beyond The Law

20 - Confidential Intercourse

21 - Cross-examination

22 - Another Disappointment

23 - Into Good Society

24 - Sound Investments

25 - A Long Good-bye

26 - Braunton Burrows

27 - A Fine Spectacle

28 - Something About Him

29 - A Visit To A Parson

30 - On Duty

31 - Two Lovers

32 - Among The Savages

33 - In A State Of Nature

34 - Waiting And Learning

35 - The Polite Ferryman

36 - Under Fairer Auspices

37 - Two Poor Children

38 - A Fine Old Gentleman

39 - Notice To Quit

40 - Forcible Ejectment

41 - The Right Man In The Right Place

42 - The Little Maid And The Midshipman

43 - A Fine Price For Bardie

44 - Provides For Education

45 - Introduces A Real Hero

46 - After Seven Years

47 - Mischief In A Household

48 - A Breathless Disinterment

49 - One Who Has Interred Himself

50 - A Brave Man Runs Away

51 - Triple Education

52 - Great March Of Intellect

53 - Beating Up For The Navy

54 - Taming Of The Savages

55 - Upon Foreign Service

56 - Exiles Of Society

57 - Many Weak Moments

58 - More Haste, Less Speed

59 - In A Rocky Bower

60 - Nelson And The Nile

61 - A Savage Deed

62 - A Rash Young Captain

63 - Polly At Home

64 - Susan Quite Acquits Herself

65 - So Does Poor Old Davy

66 - The Maid At Last Is Dentified

67 - Dog Eats Dog

68 - The Old Pitcher At The Well Again

The Maid of Sker is set at the end of the 18th century; the story is told by Davy Llewellyn, an elderly fisherman, and is about a two-year-old girl who in a calm before a storm, drifts in a boat onto a beach in Glamorganshire. The little girl calls herself Bardie. Davy is tempted to keep the girl but decides to give her up and keep the boat for himself. He quarters the pretty child in a simple but wealthy household in his neighbourhood. As Bardie grows up, Davy dotes upon her, watching anxiously over her fortunes, partly or principally because he thinks his own fortune may be bound up with hers. It is clear from the refinement of the girl's manners and from the quality of the clothes she was washed ashore in that she is no common child.

Davy joins the crew of a ketch that trades between Porthcawl and Barnstaple, Devon. Whilst in Devon, he encounters several characters who hold the key to solving the mystery of Bardie's origins. These include Sir Philip Bampfylde, who spends most of his time looking for his two grandchildren who have mysteriously disappeared; Parson Chowne, a wicked, demonic and crafty parson who defies the law for many years in the north of Devon; and Captain Drake Bamfylde, who is under suspicion of having abducted his elder brother Philip's children and heirs to the family property. Davy gradually unravels the mystery and sets matters right, although many distractions, including an extended period at sea in which Blackmore gives a graphic account of the Battle of the Nile, delay him.


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