The Mysteries of Marseilles

The elopement of Philippe Cayol, an aspiring liberal, poor and untitled with Blanche De Cazalis, niece of a powerful millionaire and politician sets the stage in this novel full of twists and turns with villains a plenty. Philippe's brother Marius strives to protect the two lovers from the De Cazalis' uncontrolled fury. Although written in his youth Zola's signature style, his indignation about injustice and his vivid characterization of the noble, the wealthy and common man is very evident in this non stop adventure.

By : Émile Zola (1840 - 1902),Translated by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly (1853 - 1922)

01 - PART 1 Chapters 1 - 2

02 - Chapters 3 - 4

03 - Chapters 5 - 6

04 - Chapters 7 - 8

05 - Chapters 9 - 10

06 - Chapters 11 - 12

07 - Chapters 13 - 14

08 - Chapters 15 - 16

09 - Chapters 17 - 18 - 19

10 - PART 2 Chapters 1 - 2

11 - Chapters 3 - 4

12 - Chapters 5 - 6

13 - Chapters 7 - 8

14 - Chapters 9 - 10

15 - Chapters 11 - 12 - 13

16 - Chapter 14

17 - Chapters 15 - 16

18 - Chapters 17 - 18

19 - Chapters 19 - 20

20 - PART 3 Chapters 1 - 2

21 - Chapter 3

22 - Chapters 4 - 5

23 - Chapters 6 - 7 - 8

24 - Chapters 9 - 10

25 - Chapters 11 - 12

26 - Chapters 13 - 14

27 - Chapters 15 - 16

28 - Chapters 17 - 18

29 - Chapters 19 - 20

30 - Chapters 21 - 22 - 23

In this popular novel, typical of the genre in its various and unexpected twists and turns, we can already see his style, his palate for real life, his indignation about injustice, and his art of depicting social strata (the wealthy, the clergy, the deviants, the common man) as well as events (the revolution of 1848, the cholera epidemic). With this canvas as a background, [he has painted] a breathtaking adventure, the thrilling story of an impossible love, that resembles the love of liberty.


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