Around The Campfire

Action and adventure short stories of men and animals in the wild.

It was toward the end of July, and Fredericton, the little New Brunswick capital, had grown hot beyond endurance, when six devoted canoeists—Stranion, Magnus, Queerman, Sam, Ranolf, and myself—heard simultaneously the voices of wild rapids calling to them from afar. The desire of the woods awoke in us. The vagrant blood that lurks in the veins of our race sprang up and refused to be still. The very next day we fled from the city and starched collars, seeking freedom and the cool of the wilderness.

By : Sir Charles G. D. Roberts (1860 - 1943)

01 - Off to the Squatooks. The Panther At The Parsonage. Bear versus Birch-Bark

02 - The Camp On Beardsley Brook. A Tiger's Plaything. A Fight With The Hounds Of The Sea. The Bull And The Leaping-Pole

03 - At Camp de Squatook. A Night Encounter. Bruin And The Cook. An Encounter With Peccaries. Idyl Of Lost Camp. The Cart Before The Steer. 1

04 - At Camp de Squatook. A Night Encounter. Bruin And The Cook. An Encounter With Peccaries. Idyl Of Lost Camp. The Cart Before The Steer. 2

05 - More Of Camp De Squatook. Lou's Clarionet. Jake Dumball's Wooden Leg. Peril Among The Pearls. The Dogs Of The Drift. Ben Christie's Bull Caribou. Labrador Wolves. 1

06 - More Of Camp De Squatook. Lou's Clarionet. Jake Dumball's Wooden Leg. Peril Among The Pearls. The Dogs Of The Drift. Ben Christie's Bull Caribou. Labrador Wolves. 2

07 - Squatook River And Horton Branch. Wrecked In A Boom-House

08 - The Camp On Squatook River. Saved By A Sliver. Skidded Landing. A Mad Stallion. An Adventure With A Bull Moose. Dan. 1

09 - The Camp On Squatook River. Saved By A Sliver. Skidded Landing. A Mad Stallion. An Adventure With A Bull Moose. Dan. 2

10 - The Camp On The Toledi. Tracked By A Panther. An Adventure In The Florida Hummocks. The Junior Latin Scholarship. A Bull And The Bicycle. The Den Of The Gray Wolf. Part 1

11 - The Camp On The Toledi. Tracked By A Panther. An Adventure In The Florida Hummocks. The Junior Latin Scholarship. A Bull And The Bicycle. The Den Of The Gray Wolf. Part 2

12 - The Toledi And Temiscouata. Chopping Him Down. A Rude Awakening. Saved By A Hornet's Nest

13 - The Last Camp Fire. Indian Devils. Bruin's Boxing-Match. The Raft Rivals. 1

14 - The Last Camp Fire. Indian Devils. Bruin's Boxing-Match. The Raft Rivals. 2

It was toward Lake Temiscouata and the wilds of the Squatooks that we set our eager faces. In shirt-sleeves and moccasins we went. For convenience we had our clothes stitched full of pockets. Our three good birch canoes and our other impedimenta we put on board a flat-car at the station. And that same evening found us at the village of Edmundston, where the Madawaska flows into the St. John at a point about one hundred and fifty miles above Fredericton.

Unless you are an experienced canoeman, skilled not only with the paddle but with the pole, and expert to run the roughest rapids, you should take a guide with you on the Squatook trip. You should go in the bow of your canoe, with a trusty Indian in the stern; one Indian and one canoe for each man of the party. The art of poling a birch-bark against a stiff current is no easy one to acquire, and needs both aptitude and practice. Your Indian will teach you in the gentler waters; and the rest of the time you may lounge at your ease, casting a fly from side to side, and ever climbing on between the changing shores. But as for us, we needed no Indians. We were all six masters of canoe-craft. Each took his turn at the white spruce pole; and we conquered the currents rejoicing.

Temiscouata is a long, narrow lake just outside the boundaries of New Brunswick. It lies in the Province of Quebec; but its outlet is the Madawaska River, a New Brunswick stream. Our plan of proceeding was to take to the canoes at Edmundston, and pole fifteen miles up the Madawaska, make a portage of five miles across country to Mud Lake, follow Beardsley Brook, the outlet of Mud Lake, to its junction with the Squatook River, and then slip down this swift stream, with its chain of placid expansions, till we should float out upon the waters of Toledi Lake. Toledi River would then receive us among its angry rapids and cascades, to eject us forcibly at last upon the great bosom of Temiscouata, whence we should find plain paddling back to Edmundston. This would make a round trip of, say one hundred and forty miles; and all of them, save the first fifteen, with the current.

At Edmundston that evening we pitched our tent beside the stream; and next morning, though it was raw and threatening, we made an early start. In one canoe went Stranion and Queerman; in the second, Sam and Ranolf; in the third, Magnus and myself. The bedding, extra clothing, etc., laced up snugly in squares of oiled canvas, made luxurious seats, while the eatables were stowed in light, strong boxes built to fit the canoes.

The first day out is usually uneventful, and this was no exception. When adventures are looked for they pretty certainly fail to arrive. We reached the portage with an hour of daylight to spare, and there found an old log cabin, which saved us the necessity of pitching our tent. It was dry, well-ventilated, abundantly uncivilized. What a supper Stranion cooked for us! And then what a swarm of mosquitoes and midges flocked in to bid us welcome! We hedged ourselves about with a cordon of slow fires of cedar bark, the smoke of which proved most distasteful to them, and almost equally so to us. And then with a clear blaze crackling before the open door, and our blankets spread on armfuls of spruce boughs, we disposed ourselves luxuriously for pipes and yarns...


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