Beyond the Stars

Charles Hanson Towne was a well known editor, author and poet. He was a popular New York celebrity who was considered by many as being the quintessential New Yorker. Besides being the editor at such magazines as Smart Set, Delineator, McClure’s, Designer, and Harper’s Bazaar, Towne also taught poetry at Columbia University. His most notable student was author  J.D. Salinger. At the age of 63, Town joined the company of the Broadway hit, Life with Father, and at 68 wrote his autobiography, So Far, So Good.

By : Charles Hanson Towne (1877 - 1949)

01 - Beyond the Stars

02 - Peace

03 - Aere Perennius

04 - A Ballad of Shame and Dread

05 - Love Hath a Chalice

06 - The Sword

07 - Two Songs of London

08 - An Easter Canticle

09 - April Madness

10 - Waiting

11 - The Heights

12 - How Softly Runs the Afternoon

13 - The Harvest of the Sea

14 - Glory Shall Follow Glory

15 - An August Night in the City

16 - Dust and Dream

17 - Nevertheless

18 - Risen Indeed

19 - The Mystery

20 - Penance

21 - The Pool

22 - Youth Is Cruel

23 - The Dead March

24 - Sunday

25 - The Rush Hour

26 - The Two Old Men

27 - Anniversaries

28 - Noel

29 - The Last Sleep


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