Elsie Venner

Bernard Langdon is close to earning his degree in medicine when his family finds itself in financial difficulties, forcing Langdon to interrupt his studies for a time in order to earn money with which to fund the rest of his degree. He therefore leaves Boston in order to teach at a school in a village in the area. One of his students is Elsie Venner, a seventeen year-old girl, who is avoided by her peers and keeps apart. Somehow, Elsie exerts a great fascination on Langdon, as there is something distinctly different about her with her strangeness and quick temper.

Elsie Venner is one of Oliver Wendell Holmes' "medicated novels", in which he explores a medical condition of a character. Holmes was teaching at Harvard Medical School when this book was published, and he chose to let a professor of medicine narrate the story. Elsie Venner is notable for its strong Boston local colour, being at the same time the book in which Holmes coined the term "Boston Brahmin".

By : Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809 - 1894)

00 - Prefaces

01 - The Brahmin Caste of New England

02 - The Student and his Certificate

03 - Mr. Bernard tries his Hand

04 - The Moth flies into the Candle

05 - An Old-Fashioned Descriptive Chapter

06 - The Sunbeam and the Shadow

07 - The Event of the Season, part 1

08 - The Event of the Season, part 2

09 - The Morning After

10 - The Doctor orders the Best Sulky

11 - The Doctor calls on Elsie Venner

12 - Cousin Richard's Visit

13 - The Apollinean Institute

14 - Curiosity

15 - Family Secrets

16 - Physiological

17 - Epistolary

18 - Old Sophy calls on the Reverend Doctor

19 - The Reverend Doctor calls on Brother Fairweather

20 - The Spider on his Thread

21 - From without and from within

22 - The Widow Rowens gives a Tea-Party, part 1

23 - The Widow Rowens gives a Tea-Party, part 2

24 - Why Doctors differ

25 - The Wild Huntsman

26 - On his Tracks

27 - The Perilous Hour, part 1

28 - The Perilous Hour, part 2

29 - The News reaches the Dudley Mansion

30 - A Soul in Distress

31 - The Secret is Whispered, part 1

32 - The Secret is Whispered, part 2

33 - The White Ash

34 - The Golden Cord is loosed

35 - Mr. Silas Peckham renders his Account

36 - Conclusion

The novel is narrated by an unnamed medical professor. One of his students, Bernard Langdon, had to interrupt his medical studies to earn money as a teacher, first at a public school, then at the Apollinean Female Institute. The schoolmistress of the institute is Miss Helen Darley, who is literally working herself to death. One of Langdon's students is the 17-year-old Elsie Venner, who purposely sits apart from the other students. She is known for being strange and quick to anger. She is only close to her father Dudley Venner, whom she calls "Dudley"; to her governess, Old Sophy; and to the town physician, Dr. Kittredge.

Elsie's half-Spanish cousin Richard "Dick" Venner pays a visit at the Venner estate. Like Elsie, his mother died when he was a child and the two cousins were playmates in their childhood. Elsie, however, was rough on her cousin and once bit him hard enough to leave a permanent scar. Dick has become a skilled horse-rider and a bit of a trouble-maker, though stories of his escapades are unclear. Rumors abound that Dick has come to town to ask his cousin Elsie to marry him; in fact, he intends to marry her so that he can inherit his uncle's estate.

Langdon is surprised to find a gift stuck in the pages of a book by Virgil on his desk at school. Pressed inside is an exotic-looking flower, known to be the type Elsie collects. Frightened yet intrigued that the girl has taken an interest in him, he resolves to climb the mountain and find her secret hiding-place. After climbing several precipitous rock formations, Langdon finds the source of the exotic flower. Investigating a cavern where he thinks Elsie hides out, Langdon is instead encounters a rattlesnake poised to strike. However, at that moment Elsie appears and calms the snake merely by looking at it.

Intrigued, Langdon researches snakes, poisons, and the "evil eye". He captures some snakes and contacts his old professor for information. Doctor Kittredge recognizes the mutual interest between Langdon and Elsie, and recommends the former begin practicing with a pistol. In the meantime, Dick Venner continues cultivating a relationship with Elsie, and is jealous of Langdon. He also worries that Elsie's father might marry Miss Darley (and thus interrupt the expected pattern of inheritance). One night, Dick attacks Langdon with his lasso. Langdon shoots his pistol and kills Dick's horse but is injured in the melee. Dr. Kittredge's assistant appears, having been ordered to follow Dick and, after he publicizes the incident, Dick is run out of town.

Elsie soon confesses her romantic interest in Langdon. Though he admits he is concerned about her as a friend, she is devastated by his rejection, and falls sick. During her illness, she calls for Miss Darley to attend to her. Miss Darley finally asks Old Sophy how Elsie's mother died, and it is implied that she was poisoned by a snake bite shortly before Elsie was born. During her illness, Elsie slowly loses her mysterious nature and softens enough to tell her father that she loves him. She dies shortly after.


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