Biographical Memoir of John Wesley Powell

This is Volume VIII of the National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs series. It is read as 33 sections using the memoir headings. John Wesley Powell was a leading figure in the geological explorations of the West and helped establish the federal U.S. Geological Survey in 1879. He also led the Bureau of Ethnology and advocated for better treatment and study of Native American tribes and culture. He wrote a definitive study of the arid western U.S., advocating for thoughtful irrigation and land management practices. Powell predicted that water rights purchased by corporations, rather than tied to the land, would be a major political and environmental issue. John Wesley Powell was a scientific frontiersman. His life reveals the energetic working of a vigorous and independent personality, full of inspiration, power, and enterprise. He was a founder of major scientific organizations, including the National Geographic Society, Geological Society of America, and the Cosmos Club. Powell lived most of his life in Washington, DC. The memoir was written by William Morris Davis was a prominent professor of geology, geography, and meteorology at Harvard and knew Powell personally.

By : William Morris Davis (1850 - 1934)

01 - Early Life

02 - Service in the Civil War

03 - Visit to the Rocky Mountains, 1867-1868

04 - Exploration of the Colorado Canyon

05 - Geological Survey of the Territories and Report on the Colorado Canyon

06 - Antecedent Rivers

07 - Geological Work

08 - Physiographic Work

09 - Baselevel of Erosion

10 - Planation

11 - Physiographic Essays

12 - Lands of the Arid Region

13 - The Geological Survey

14 - Topographical Map

15 - Reports and Folios

16 - Irrigation Survey

17 - Administration

18 - Resignation from the Survey

19 - Residence in Washington

20 - Ethnological Work

21 - Bureau of Ethnology

22 - Indian Languages and Mythology

23 - Savagery, Barbarism, and Civilization

24 - Synthetic Essays

25 - Mannerisms

26 - Views on Evolution

27 - Evolution of Music

28 - Inductive Studies

29 - Indian Linguistic Families

30 - Philosophical Studies

31 - Pentalogic Series

32 - Truth and Error

33 - Personal Estimates


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