Selected Poems of Yone Noguchi

Yone Noguchi was an influential Japanese writer of poetry, fiction, essays, and literary criticism in both English and Japanese. Critical evaluations of Noguchi, while varying drastically, have frequently stressed the enigmatic character of his work. Arthur Symons referred to him as a "scarcely to be apprehended personality." Arthur Ransome called him "a poet whose poems are so separate that a hundred of them do not suffice for his expression." Ezra Pound, on first reading The Pilgrimage in 1911 wrote that "His poems seem to be rather beautiful. I don't quite know what to think about them." Nishiwaki Junzaburō wrote, "Most of his earlier poems have always seemed to me so terrific, so bewildering, as to startle me out of reason or system.

By : Yone Noguchi (1875 - 1947)

00 - Foreword

01 - What About my Songs

02 - Where is the Poet

03 - The Desert of ' No More '

04 - Seas of Loneliness

05 - The Garden of Truth

06 - Like a Paper Lantern

07 - I Hail Myself as I Do Homer

08 - The Night Reverie in the Forest

09 - Song of Day in Yosemite Valley

10 - Song of Night in Yosemite Valley

11 - Apparition

12 - O Cho San

13 - Address to a Soyokaze

14 - Under the Moon

15 - O Hana San

16 - The Myoto

17 - The Goddess : God

18 - By the Sea

19 - Homekotoba

20 - Upon the Heights

21 - The Poet

22 - The Face in the Mirror

23 - How Near to Fairyland

24 - Lines

25 - Spring

26 - Prose Poems

27 - The New Art

28 - By the Enagakuji Temple : Moon Night

29 - To a Nightingale

30 - I am Like a Leaf

31 - To the Sunflower

32 - Shadow

33 - The Fantastic Snow-flakes

34 - Ghost of Abyss

35 - Autumn Song

36 - Fantasia

37 - The Temple Bell

38 - To the Cicada

39 - The Lady of Utamaro's Art

40 - The Buddha Priest in Meditation

41 - In the Inland Sea

42 - Kyoto

43 - My Little Bird

44 - Her Weapons are a Smile and a Little Fan

45 - My Heart

46 - The Lotus Worshippers

47 - Lines

48 - The Eastern Sea

49 - To a Sparrow

50 - Right and Left

51 - In Japan Beyond

52 - Cradle Songs

53 - Japanese Hokkus


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