The Adventures of Mabel

The Adventures of Mabel is a children's fantasy novel by Harry Thurston Peck. The story is about Mabel, a five-year-old girl who helps the King of all the lizards and is rewarded with the ability to converse with animals. She also meets giants and brownies.

By : Harry Thurston Peck (1856 - 1914)

01 - The Green Lizard

02 - The Taming of Rex

03 - The Frogs At The Bridge

04 - The Robbers

05 - Rex Plays Policeman

06 - Walter and the Goat

07 - The Grey Rat Under The Pump

08 - The Animal Party

09 - The Tricks Of The Bad Wolf

10 - The Giants Castle

11 - The Brownie Jelly

12 - The Rescue Of Jack


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