The Ghost Girl

Henry Kitchell Webster is an American author best know for his detective novels. The Ghost Girl opens with a murder mystery. A young woman's frozen, yet perfectly preserved, body is found in the river. As the family discusses this news of the day, good friend Jeffrey returns from a sabbatical, suddenly undertaken after finishing a commission to paint the portrait of a dead girl. The mystery deepens as the chapters progress and Jeffrey and Drew investigate as the haunting coincidences begin to pile up.

By : Henry Kitchell Webster (1875 - 1932)

01 - What They Found in the Ice

02 - The First Covert

03 - The Unseen Visitor

04 - What Jeffrey Saw

05 - The Jade Earring

06 - Believing in Ghosts

07 - The Face Under the Paint

08 - An Even Break

09 - Fighting the Devil with Fire

10 - The First Confession

11 - An Escape

12 - Through the Grille

13 - Beech Hill

14 - Doctor Crow Forgets

15 - A Night Ride

16 - The Housebreakers

17 - The Third Confession

18 - A Question of Centimeters

19 - What We Saw in the Cave

20 - The Watchers and the Watched

21 - How it Ended


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