The Parables

This is a collection of the parables of the new testament. Lyman Abbott was an American Congregationalist theologian, editor, and author.

By : Lyman Abbott (1835 - 1922)

00 - Introduction

01 - The Sower

02 - The Kingdom of Heaven

03 - The Lord and the Servants

04 - The Labourers in the Vineyard

05 - The Wedding Guests

06 - The Wise and the Foolish Virgins

07 - The Talents

08 - The Good Samaritan

09 - The Prodigal Son

10 - Dives and Lazarus

11 - The Pharisee and the Publican

12 - The House upon the Sands

13 - The Husbandman and the Vineyard

14 - The Sheep and the Goats

15 - The Seed and the Harvest

16 - The Fool and his Goods

17 - When the Lord Cometh

18 - The Faithful Steward

19 - The Unwilling Guests

20 - The Unjust Steward

21 - The Unjust Judge

22 - The Good Shepherd

23 - The Lost Sheep

24 - The Light of the World

25 - The Fig Tree


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