The Story of Eclipses

Solar eclipses have both frightened and fascinated humankind for thousands of years. At first believed to be caused by angry gods punishing the people on Earth, we now know that a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and fully or partially covers the Sun. Ever since scientists were able to predict the next solar eclipse, people - at least the less superstitious ones - wanted to go there and see it for themselves.

This book, published in 1899, was written for potential spectators of the total eclipse of the Sun on May 28, 1900. It deals with the science behind solar eclipses and their prediction, and lists a number of known historic eclipses from antiquity to the 19th century. Also included are eclipses mentioned in books, strange customs surrounding the eclipses, and how best to watch one.

By : George F. Chambers (1841 - 1915)

01 - Preface and Introduction

02 - General Ideas

03 - The ''Saros'' and the Periodicity of Eclipses

04 - Miscellaneous Theoretical Matters Connected With Eclipses of the Sun (Chiefly)

05 - What Is Observed During the Earlier Stages of an Eclipse of the Sun

06 - What Is Observed During the Total Phase of an Eclipse of the Sun

07 - What Is Observed After the Total Phase of an Eclipse is at an End

08 - Eclipses of the Sun Mentioned in History - Chinese

09 - Are Eclipses Alluded to in the Bible?

10 - Eclipses of the Sun Mentioned in History - Classical

11 - Eclipses of the Sun Mentioned in History - The Christian Era to the Norman Conquest

12 - Eclipses of the Sun Mentioned in History - Mediaeval and Modern

13 - Eclipses of the Sun During the Nineteenth Century

14 - The Electric Telegraph as Applied to Eclipses of the Sun

15 - Eclipses of the Moon - General Principles

16 - Eclipses of the Moon Mentioned in History

17 - Catalogues of Eclipses: And Their Calculation

18 - Strange Eclipse Customs

19 - Eclipses in Shakespeare and the Poets

20 - Brief Hints To Observers Of Eclipses Of the Sun

21 - Transits and Occultations

22 - Appendix: The Total Eclipse of the Sun of May 28, 1900

It may, I fear, be taken as a truism that “the man in the street” (collectively, the “general public”) knows little and cares less for what is called physical science. Now and again when something remarkable happens, such as a great thunderstorm, or an earthquake, or a volcanic eruption, or a brilliant comet, or a total eclipse, something in fact which has become the talk of the town, our friend will condescend to give the matter the barest amount of attention, whilst he is filling his pipe or mixing a whisky and soda; but there is not in England that general attention given to the displays of nature and the philosophy of those displays, which certainly is a characteristic of the phlegmatic German. However, things are better than they used to be, and the forthcoming total eclipse of the Sun of May 28, 1900 (visible as it will be as a partial eclipse all over Great Britain and Ireland, and as a total eclipse in countries so near to Great Britain as Spain and Portugal, to say nothing of the United States), will probably not only attract a good deal of attention on the part of many millions of English-speaking people, but may also be expected to induce a numerically respectable remnant to give their minds and thoughts, with a certain amount of patient attention, to the Science and Philosophy of Eclipses.

There are other causes likely to co-operate in bringing this about. It is true that men’s minds are more enlightened at the end of the 19th century than they were at the end of the 16th century, and that a trip to Spain will awaken vastly different thoughts in the year 1900 to those which would have been awakened, say in the year 1587; but for all that, a certain amount of superstition still lingers in the world, and total eclipses as well as comets still give rise to feelings of anxiety and alarm amongst ill-educated villagers even in so-called civilized countries. Some amusing illustrations of this will be presented in due course. For the moment let me content myself by stating the immediate aim of this little book, and the circumstances which have led to its being written. What those circumstances are will be understood generally from what has been said already. Its aim is the unambitious one of presenting in readable yet sound scientific language a popular account of eclipses of the Sun and Moon, and (very briefly) of certain kindred astronomical phenomena which depend upon causes in some degree similar to those which operate in connection with eclipses. These kindred phenomena are technically known as “Transits” and “Occultations.” Putting these two matters entirely aside for the present, we will confine our attention in the first instance to eclipses; and as eclipses of the Sun do not stand quite on the same footing as eclipses of the Moon, we will, after stating the general circumstances of the case, put the eclipses of the Moon aside for a while.


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