The Wild Huntress

Marian and Lilian are two sisters living in the backwoods, somewhere in America, with their father as squatters. One May morning a man shows up, wanting to take Marian away as his wife while he makes his mark with the Mormons. But, another man holds Marian's heart, and he will go on his own adventure through the American west to track her down.

By : Thomas Mayne Reid (1818 - 1883)

001 - The Squatter's Clearing

002 - Marian and Lilian

003 - The Lovers' Rendezvous

004 - The Catastrophe of a Kiss

005 - Squatter and Saint

006 - An Apostolic Effort

007 - The Mormon's Demand

008 - A Splendid Pension

009 - Friendly Advice

010 - A Classic Land

011 - The 'Jackson Hotel'

012 - Colonel Kipp

013 - Through the Forest

014 - Su-Wa-Nee

015 - Making a Clean Breast of It

016 - A Predicament in Prospect

017 - The Indian Summer

018 - A Backwoods Venus

019 - A Series of Contre-Temps

020 - Sweet and Bitter

021 - A Rude Response

022 - A Rough Reception

023 - A Duel Without Seconds

024 - Waiting the Words

025 - The Duel Delayed

026 - The Peacemaker

027 - Yes-Yes!

028 - An Errand of Love

029 - A Red-Skinned Sibyl

030 - A Storm Without and Within

031 - A Virgin Heart in Cypher

032 - A Word With Mormon Monsters

033 - Another Duel Determined On

034 - A Departure in a 'Dug-Out'

035 - A Dangerous Sweetheart

036 - The Horologe of the Dead Horse

037 - A Lookout From Aloft

038 - The White Fog

039 - The Promised Epistle

040 - The Caravan

041 - An Un-Prairie-Like Apparition

042 - A Foot of Thirteen Inches

043 - Tracking the Trundle

044 - A Brace of 'Old Sojers'

045 - The Barrow in Debate

046 - A Tough Story

047 - The Mountain Parks

048 - The Abandoned Bouquet

049 - An Unexpected Appearance

050 - Up the Cañon

051 - The Orphan Butte

052 - Raising a Rampart

053 - The War-Cry

054 - The Red-Hand

055 - An Ill-Timed Shot

056 - Attempt to Stampede

057 - Our Weak Point

058 - A Rampart on Wheels

059 - The Assault

060 - A Captive on a Crucifix

061 - The Mysterious Circle

062 - A Savage Artist

063 - A Pitiless Pastime

064 - A Hundred Deaths

065 - A Sharp Shot

066 - The Chase and the Syncope

067 - Pass by the Pursuit

068 - The Track of the Moccasin

069 - A Rival Stalker

070 - The Wild Huntress

071 - A Queer Conversation

072 - Wa-Ka-Ra

073 - Peg-Leg

074 - A Beautiful Hostess

075 - Effecting the Surround

076 - The History of the Huntress

077 - The Surprise

078 - The Charge

079 - Tragic and Comic

080 - Spiritual Wives

081 - The Death-Song

082 - Maranee

083 - Old Memories Awakened

084 - Playing Confessor

085 - Further Reflections

086 - A True Tigress

087 - Suspicious Appearances

088 - A Fresh Éclaircissement

089 - Planning an Abduction

090 - Protector and Protégée

091 - The Night-Camp

092 - Gabriella Gonzales

093 - A Bloody Bridal

094 - A Rough Drag

095 - Assuming the Disguise

096 - The Mormon Train

097 - The Corralled Camp

098 - Beauty Embrowned

099 - The Yellow Duenna

100 - A Sister's Appeal

101 - A Caravan Ball

102 - To Horse and Away

103 - Seeking a Cache

104 - Un Paraiso

105 - An Unexpected Defection


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