The Young Diana

Poor Diana May. Her fiancé has jilted her, her parents think she is an encumbrance and no one recognises her intelligence. She seems destined to remain unloved, unappreciated and unpaid - until she decides to take control of her life. It all begins with an advertisement for an assistant to an eccentric scientist with a hidden laboratory in Switzerland...

By : Marie Corelli (1855 - 1924)

01 - Chapter I

02 - Chapter II

03 - Chapter III

04 - Chapter IV

05 - Chapter V

06 - Chapter VI

07 - Chapter VII

08 - Chapter VIII

09 - Chapter IX

10 - Chapter X

11 - Chapter XI

12 - Chapter XII

13 - Chapter XIII

14 - Chapter XIV

15 - Chapter XV

16 - Chapter XVI

17 - Chapter XVII

18 - Chapter XVIII

19 - Chapter XIX

20 - Chapter XX

21 - Chapter XXI

22 - Chapter XXII

23 - Chapter XXIII

24 - Chapter XXIV

25 - Chapter XXV

26 - Epilogue


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