Jerusalem to Revelations - A Quartet of Spiritual Explorations

A Four Quartets for the End of Time, these works stretch from the death and rebirth of a living land, England/Albion, to the death of the world as we know it in the Book of Revelations, going by way of a journey of the soul through death into salvation in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, thence into Dante's journey into Hell, Purgatory and final union with his beloved Beatrice and his God. Herein you will find four ways to save your soul and live through death, regenerate a wasted land and, in doing so, enter the New Jerusalem.

By : William Blake (1757 - 1827),Translated by E. A. Wallis Budge (1857 - 1934) and Courtney Langdon (1861 - 1924)

01 - Jerusalem - Part One - William Blake

02 - Jerusalem - Part Two - William Blake

03 - Jerusalem - Part Three - William Blake

04 - Jerusalem - Part Four - William Blake

05 - Jerusalem - Part Five - William Blake

06 - Jerusalem - Part Six - William Blake

07 - Jerusalem - Part Seven - William Blake

08 - Jerusalem - Part Eight - William Blake

09 - Jerusalem - Part Nine - William Blake

10 - Jerusalem - Part Ten - William Blake

11 - Jerusalem - Part Eleven - William Blake

12 - Jerusalem - Part Twelve - William Blake

13 - Jerusalem - Part Thirteen - William Blake

14 - Jerusalem - Part Fourteen - William Blake

15 - Jerusalem - Part Fifteen - William Blake

16 - Jerusalem - Part Sixteen - William Blake

17 - The Book Of The Dead - Hymns Introductory, The Judgment - Unknown

18 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day I - XIV - Unknown

19 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day XV - Unknown

20 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day XVI - XVII - Unknown

21 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day XVIII - XXIII - Unknown

22 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day XXIV - XXXII - Unknown

23 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day XXXIII - XLII - Unknown

24 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day XLIII - LXII - Unknown

25 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day LXIII - LXVIII - Unknown

26 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day LXIX - LXXVIII - Unknown

27 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day LXXIX - XC - Unknown

28 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day XCI - C - Unknown

29 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CI - CIX - Unknown

30 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CX - CXIX - Unknown

31 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CXX - CXXV - Unknown

32 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CXXVI - CXXX - Unknown

33 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CXXXI - CXXXVI - Unknown

34 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CXXXVII - CXL - Unknown

35 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CXLI - CXLII - Unknown

36 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CXLIII - CXLV - Unknown

37 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CXLVI - CXLVII - Unknown

38 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CXLVIII - CXLIX - Unknown

39 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CXL - CLIII A. - Unknown

40 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CLIII B. - CLXII - Unknown

41 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CLXIII - CLXVIII - Unknown

42 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CLXIX - CLXXII - Unknown

43 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CLXXIII - CLXXX - Unknown

44 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CLXXXI - CLXXXII - Unknown

45 - The Book Of The Dead - The Chapters Of Coming Forth By Day CLXXXIII - CXC - Unknown

46 - The Divine Comedy - Inferno I - IV - Dante Alighieri

47 - The Divine Comedy - Inferno V - VIII - Dante Alighieri

48 - The Divine Comedy - Inferno IX - XII - Dante Alighieri

49 - The Divine Comedy - Inferno XIII - XVI - Dante Alighieri

50 - The Divine Comedy - Inferno XVII - XX - Dante Alighieri

51 - The Divine Comedy - Inferno XXI - XXIV - Dante Alighieri

52 - The Divine Comedy - Inferno XXV - XXVIII - Dante Alighieri

53 - The Divine Comedy - Inferno XXIX - XXXI - Dante Alighieri

54 - The Divine Comedy - Inferno XXXII - XXXIV - Dante Alighieri

55 - The Divine Comedy - Purgatorio I - IV - Dante Alighieri

56 - The Divine Comedy - Purgatorio V - VIII - Dante Alighieri

57 - The Divine Comedy - Purgatorio IX - XII - Dante Alighieri

58 - The Divine Comedy - Purgatorio XIII - XVI - Dante Alighieri

59 - The Divine Comedy - Purgatorio XVII - XX - Dante Alighieri

60 - The Divine Comedy - Purgatorio XXI - XXIV - Dante Alighieri

61 - The Divine Comedy - Purgatorio XXV - XXVII - Dante Alighieri

62 - The Divine Comedy - Purgatorio XXVIII - XXX - Dante Alighieri

63 - The Divine Comedy - Purgatorio XXX - XXXIII - Dante Alighieri

64 - The Divine Comedy - Paradiso I - IV - Dante Alighieri

65 - The Divine Comedy - Paradiso V - VIII - Dante Alighieri

66 - The Divine Comedy - Paradiso IX - XII - Dante Alighieri

67 - The Divine Comedy - Paradiso XIII - XVI - Dante Alighieri

68 - The Divine Comedy - Paradiso XVII - XX - Dante Alighieri

69 - The Divine Comedy - Paradiso XXI - XXIV - Dante Alighieri

70 - The Divine Comedy - Paradiso XXV - XXVII - Dante Alighieri

71 - The Divine Comedy - Paradiso XXVIII - XXX - Dante Alighieri

72 - The Divine Comedy - Paradiso XXXI - XXXIII - Dante Alighieri

73 - The Revelation Of St, John The Divine I - III - Unknown

74 - The Revelation Of St, John The Divine IV - VI - Unknown

75 - The Revelation Of St, John The Divine VII - IX - Unknown

76 - The Revelation Of St, John The Divine X - XII - Unknown

77 - The Revelation Of St, John The Divine XIII - XV - Unknown

78 - The Revelation Of St, John The Divine XVI - XVIII - Unknown

79 - The Revelation Of St, John The Divine XIX -XII - Unknown


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