Mary's Grammar, Interspersed with Stories and Intended for the Use of Children

Mary's teacher has taxed her with the task of learning that most onerous of all parts of the English language: Grammar. Through stories and practical exercises, Mary's mother shows her that it's really not as hard as she thinks. Join us on this delightful journey as Mary learns her Grammar.

By: Jane Marcet (1769 - 1858)

00 - Preface

01 - Part the First: Nouns

02 - Part the First: Pronouns

03 - Part the First: Adjectives

04 - Part the First: Articles

05 - Part the First: Verbs

06 - Part the First: Adverbs

07 - Part the First: Prepositions

08 - Part the First: Conjuctions

09 - Part the First: Interjections

10 - Part the Second: Nouns

11 - Part the Second: Gender

12 - Part the Second: Cases

13 - Part the Second: Objective Case

14 - Part the Second: Pronouns

15 - Part the Second: Relative Pronouns

16 - Part the Second: Demonstrative Pronouns

17 - Part the Second: Verbs

18 - Part the Second: Participles

19 - Part the Second: Auxiliary Verbs


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