Parodies on Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade

This extract, taken from Parodies of the works of English and American Authors, vol 1, of parodies of Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade covers such topics as the Clergy, the Fairer Sex, Doctors, Engineers and many others.

By : Walter Hamilton (1844 - 1899)

01 - Introduction and Charge of the Light Brigade

02 - Charge of the Light (Irish) Brigade

03 - ''The Two Hundred'' Mechanical Engineers in Dublin, 1865

04 - The Half Hundred (of Coals)

05 - The Doctor's Heavy Brigade

06 - The Charge of the Black Brigade, 1868

07 - At the Magdalen Ground

08 - Charge of the Fair Brigade

09 - The Charge of the ''Bustle''

10 - On the Six Hundredth Representation of " Our Boys " at the Vaudeville Theatre

11 - The Vote of Six Millions

12 - The Charge of the ''Rad.'' Brigade

13 - A Lay of the New Law Courts

14 - The Latest Charge (against Mr. Biggar, M. P. , for Breach of Promise of Marriage)

15 - The Charge of the Gownsmen at the Anti- Tobacco Lecture

16 - The Charge of the Light Ballet

17 - Tragic Episode in an Omnibus

18 - Michael Drayton on the Battle of Agincourt

19 - The ''Light'' Cavalier's Charge

20 - The Charge of the Court Brigade, 1874

21 - The Battle of Bartlemy's, 1875

22 - Charge of the Light Brigade at the Alexandra Palace Banquet, 1875

23 - On the Rink, 1876

24 - How a Hundred Guests Met their Death

25 - ''Half a League!'' (Tea Advertisement)

26 - The Last of the Light Brigade by Rudyard Kipling


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