The Art Of Cookery Made Plain And Easy

The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy is a cookbook by Hannah Glasse. It was a bestseller for a century after its first publication, dominating the English-speaking market and making Glasse one of the most famous cookbook authors of her time. The book ran through at least 40 editions, many of which were copied without explicit author consent. It was published in Dublin from 1748, and in America from 1805.

By : Hannah Glasse (1708 - 1770)

01 - To The Reader

02 - The Editor's Preface

03 - Chapter 1-Part 1 - Of Roasting, Boiling etc

04 - Ch 1-Pt 2 - Of Roasting, Boiling etc (from: to roast Mutton venison fashion)

05 - Chapter 2-Part 1 - Made Dishes

06 - Ch 2-Pt 2 - Made Dishes (from: To roast a Turkey the genteel way)

07 - Ch 2-Pt 3 - Made Dishes (from: To stew a rump of beef or Briscuit the French way)

08 - Ch 2-Pt 4 - Made Dishes (from: To bake Lamb and Rice)

09 - Ch 2-Pt 5 - Made Dishes (from: To dress a Ham à la Braise)

10 - Ch 2-Pt 6 - Made Dishes (from: To stew a Turkey brown the nice way)

11 - Ch 2-Pt 7 - Made Dishes (from: To boil ducks the French way)

12 - Ch 2-Pt 8 - Made Dishes (from: To roast a Calf's Liver)

13 - Chapter 3 - Find how expensive a French Cook's Sauce is

14 - Chapter 4 - Make a Number of pretty little Dishes fit for a Supper

15 - Chapter 5 - To Dress Fish

16 - Chapter 6 - Of Soups and Broths

17 - Chapter 7 - Of Puddings

18 - Chapter 8 - Of Pies

19 - Chapter 9 - Part 1 - For Lent, or a Fast Dinner

20 - Ch 9 - Pt 2 - For Lent (from: To make fine Fritters)

21 - Ch 9 - Pt 3 - For Lent (from: To broil Shrimp, Cod, Salmon, Whiting, or Haddock)

22 - Ch 9 - Pt 4 - For Lent (from: To roast a Fillet or Collar of Sturgeon)

23 - Ch 9 - Pt 5 - For Lent (from: To fry Artichokes)

24 - Ch 9 - Pt 6 - For Lent (from: An Amulet of Beans)

25 - Ch 9 - Pt 7 - For Lent (from: To make a fine Bread-Pudding)

26 - Ch 9 - Pt 8 - For Lent (from: To make an Onion-Pie)

27 - Chapter 10 - Directions for the Sick

28 - Chapter 11 - For Captains of Ships

29 - Chapter 12 - Of Hogs-Puddings, Sausages etc

30 - Chapter 13 - To Pot, and make Hams etc

31 - Chapter 14 - Of Pickling

32 - Chapter 15 - Of making Cakes etc

33 - Chapter 16 - Of Cheesecakes, Creams, Jellies, Whipt Syllabubs etc

34 - Chapter 17 - Of Made Wines, Brewing, French Bread, Muffins etc

35 - Chapter 18 - Jarring Cherries, and Preserves etc

36 - Chapter 19 - To make Anchovies,Vermicelli, Catchup, Vinegar etc

37 - Chapter 20 - Of Distilling

38 - Chapter 21 - How to market, and the seasons of the Year for Butchers Meat etc

39 - Chapter 22 - A certain cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog

40 - Additions

41 - Necessary Directions for Carving

42 - Appendix - Part 1

43 - App - Pt 2 (from: to preserve Green Codlings)

44 - App - Pt 3 (from: To candy Angelica)

45 - App - Pt 4 (from: To make Chouder, a Sea Dish)

46 - App - Pt 5 (from: To make Sour Crout)

47 - Receipts for Perfumery

The Art of Cookery was the dominant reference for home cooks in much of the English-speaking world in the second half of the 18th century and the early 19th century, and it is still used as a reference for food research and historical reconstruction. The book was updated significantly both during her life and after her death.

Early editions were not illustrated. Some posthumous editions include a decorative frontispiece, with the caption

The FAIR, who's Wise and oft consults our BOOK,
And thence directions gives her Prudent Cook,
With CHOICEST VIANDS, has her Table Crown'd,
And Health, with Frugal Ellegance is found.

Some of the recipes were plagiarised, to the extent of being reproduced verbatim from earlier books by other writers. To guard against plagiarism, the title page of, for example, the sixth edition (1758) carries at its foot the warning "This BOOK is published with his MAJESTY's Royal Licence; and whoever prints it, or any Part of it, will be prosecuted". In addition, the first page of the main text is signed in ink by the author.

The first edition of the book was published by Glasse herself, funded by subscription, and sold (to non-subscribers) at Mrs. Ashburn's China Shop.


     To make a trifle. COVER the bottom of your dish or bowl with Naples biscuits broke in pieces, mackeroons broke in halves, and ratafia cakes. Just wet them all through with sack, then make a good boiled custard not too thick, and when cold pour it over it, then put a syllabub over that. You may garnish it with ratafia cakes, currant jelly, and flowers.

The book has a brief table of contents on the title page, followed by a note "To the Reader", and then a full list of contents, by chapter, naming every recipe. There is a full alphabetical index at the back.

Glasse explains in her note "To the Reader" that she has written simply, "for my Intention is to instruct the lower Sort", giving the example of larding a chicken: she does not call for "large Lardoons, they would not know what I meant: But when I say they must lard with little Pieces of Bacon, they know what I mean." And she comments that "the great Cooks have such a high way of expressing themselves, that the poor Girls are at a Loss to know what they mean."

As well as simplicity, to suit her readers in the kitchen, Glasse stresses her aim of economy: "some Things [are] so extravagant, that it would be almost a Shame to make Use of them, when a Dish can be made full as good, or better, without them."

Chapters sometimes begin with a short introduction giving general advice on the topic at hand, such as cooking meat; the recipes occupy the rest of the text. The recipes give no indication of cooking time or oven temperature. There are no separate lists of ingredients: where necessary, the recipes specify quantities directly in the instructions. Many recipes do not mention quantities at all, simply instructing the cook what to do, thus:

     Sauce for Larks. LARKS, roast them, and for Sauce have Crumbs of Bread; done thus: Take a Sauce-pan or Stew-pan and some Butter; when melted, have a good Piece of Crumb of Bread, and rub it in a clean Cloth to Crumbs, then throw it into your Pan; keep stirring them about till they are Brown, then throw them into a Sieve to drain, and lay them round your Larks.


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