The Coo-ee Reciter

Recitation was a vital part of the curriculum in education in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. It not only enabled students to gain practice in addressing groups in public, but also provided models for the study of accent and elocution – vital skills in the days before public address systems were universally available. Accordingly, a number of “reciters,” or collections of texts suitable for recitation, were published in this period. The Coo-ee Reciter, published in 1904, was one of the most popular of these collections in Australia. In the words of the anthologist it contains a variety of "humorous, pathetic, dramatic and dialect recitations and readings" by Australian, British and American authors.

Inevitably, these collections featured many items that featured the events and attitudes of the period. While many of the pieces can make no claim to be great literature, they do have great value as windows into the experiences, expectations and aspirations of the people at the time.

01 - I Killed a Man at Graspan by Montague Grover - Montague Grover

02 - Kitty O'Toole by W.L.Lumley - W. L. Lumley

03 - The Ballad of the Drover by Henry Lawson - Henry Lawson

04 - The Rescue by Edward Dyson - Edward Dyson

05 - Saltbush Bill by A.B. Paterson - Andrew Barton Paterson

06 - Drought and Doctrine by J. Brunton Stephens - James Brunton Stephens

07 - The Martyr by Victor J. Daley - Victor Daley

08 - The Carrying of the Baby by Ethel Turner - Ethel Turner

09 - The Old Gum by Florence Bullivant - Florence Bullivant

10 - Murphy shall not Sing To-night by Montague Grover - Montague Grover

11 - Christmas Bells by John B. O'Hara - John Bernard O'Hara

12 - Wool is Up by Garnet Walch - Garnet Walch

13 - Wool is Down by Garnet Walch - Garnet Walch

14 - The Highland Brigade Buries its Dead by Lieut -Col W T Reay - William Thomas Reay

15 - Australia's Call to Arms by John B. O'Hara - John Bernard O'Hara

16 - Good News by Garnet Walch - Garnet Walch

17 - Free Trade v Protection by Garnet Walch - Garnet Walch

18 - The Lion's Cubs by Garnet Walch - Garnet Walch

19 - The Little Duchess by Ethel Turner - Ethel Turner

20 - Australia's Springtime by W.L.Lumley - W. L.Lumley

21 - The Man that saved the Match by David McKee Wright - David McKee Wright

22 - Ode for Commonwealth Day, 1st January, 1901 by George Essex Evans - George Essex Evans

23 - A Desperate Assault by Donald MacDonald - Donald MacDonald

24 - The Game of Life by John Godfrey Saxe - John Godfrey Saxe

25 - Prejudice by Charlotte Perkins Stetson - Charlotte Perkins Gilman

26 - The Poor and the Rich by James Russell Lowell - James Russell Lowell

27 - The Engineer's Story from the Denver Post - Anonymous

28 - Seeing's not Believing by Thomas Haynes Bayley - Thomas Haynes Bayly

29 - Caudle has been made a Mason by Douglas Jerrold - Douglas William Jerrold

30 - Mrs Caudle's Lecture by Douglas Jerrold - Douglas William Jerrold

31 - Jim Bludso by Colonel John Hay - John Hay

32 - How Uncle Mose Counted the Eggs by anonymous - Anonymous

33 - The Negro Baby's Funeral by Will Carleton - Will Carleton

34 - Der Shpider und der Fly by Charles Follen Adams - Charles Follen Adams

35 - Lariat Bill by G W H - G. W. H.

36 - The Elf Child; or, Little Orphant Annie by James Whitcomb Riley - James Whitcomb Riley

37 - Alonzo the Brave and the Fair Imogene by Matthew Gregory Lewis - Matthew Lewis

38 - An All-around Intellectual Man by Thomas Masson - Thomas Masson

39 - Her Ideal by Kate Masterson - Kate Masterson

40 - The Happy Farmer by Mortimer Crane Brown - Mortimer Crane Brown

41 - The Son of a Soldier by Owen Oliver - Owen Oliver

42 - The Mile by David McKee Wright - David McKee Wright


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