The Dark Ages, and Other Poems

This is a volume of poetry by a poet only going by the initial "L.". The poems are veried in tone and subject, set in different parts of the British Isles and Europe. Most of them have a historic background, though set several centuries after the titular "Dark Ages".

01 - The Dark Ages

02 - The Bells of Venice

03 - An Ancient Church

04 - To the English Gipsies

05 - Autumn Dying

06 - The Departure for Cythera

07 - The Village Cherub

08 - Lady Day near Bignor

09 - A Cottage Inscription

10 - A Memory of Ireland

11 - 'Tír Nan Óg'

12 - A Highland Day

13 - To the Firs

14 - Good-Bye

15 - The Fairy Glen Revisited

16 - Waiting

17 - Near Haarlem

18 - The Tomb of Saint Augustine at Pavia

19 - Modern Florence

20 - To Dante

21 - To Petrarch

22 - To a Lady of the Eighteenth Century

23 - The 'Liberal' Divine

24 - The Quarrel

25 - The Old Fountain

26 - Love and Death

27 - Violets

28 - The Gardens of the Soul

29 - A Man to Childish Things

30 - The Knight

31 - Hopes

32 - The Path

33 - The Call to Bethlehem

34 - A Christmas Lullaby

35 - To the Holy Child

36 - Mater Amabilis

37 - Saint Stephen

38 - Saint John at Ephesus

39 - The Little Children

40 - The Circumcision

41 - The Return of the Magi

42 - Atonement

43 - Calvary

44 - 'The Desert shall Blossom'

45 - Resurrection

46 - The Ascension

47 - A Hymn to the Holy Spirit

48 - 'Adora et Tace'

49 - The Refuge of the Wandering

50 - The Legend of St. Christopher

51 - The Light Invisible

52 - Onward

53 - The Faithful Departed

54 - Lethe

55 - Ave Atque Vale

The Dark Ages

Men call you “dark.”  What factory then blurred the light
Of golden suns, when nothing blacker than the shades
Of coming rain climbed up the heather-mantled height?
               While the air
   Breathed all the scents of all untrodden flowers,
   And brooks poured silver through the glimmering glades,
      Then sweetly wound through virgin ground.
         Must all that beauty pass?
         And must our pleasure trains
Like foul eruptions belch upon the mountain head?
   Must we perforce build vulgar villa lanes,
         And on sweet fields of grass
The canting scutcheons of a cheating commerce spread?

Men call you “dark.”  Did that faith see with cobwebbed eyes,
That built the airy octagon on Ely’s hill,
And Gloucester’s Eastern wall that woos the topaz skies,
               Where the hymn
      Angelic “Glory be to God on high,
      And peace on earth to men who feel good will,”
         Might softly sound God’s throne around?
            Is that a perfect faith
            Which pew-filled chapels rears,
   Where Gothic fronts of stone mask backs of ill-baked bricks,
      And where the frothy fighting preacher fears,
            As peasants fear a wraith,
His deacon’s frown or some just change in politics?

Men call you “dark.”  Was Chaucer’s speech a muddy stream,
The language born of Norman sun and Saxon snow?
Was Langland’s verse or Wyclif’s prose mere glow-worm’s gleam?
               And the tales
      Of Arthur’s sword and of the holy Grail,
      And Avalon, the isle where no storms blow:
         From such romance did no light glance?
            Have we not heard a tongue,
            Whose words the Saxon thralls
   Would scorn to speak above their muck-rake and their fork,
      The speech of barrack-rooms and music-halls,
            Where every fool has flung
The rotten refuse of Calcutta and New York?

Men call you “dark.”  But chivalry and honour stand
As words that you, not we, did fashion, when the need
Of food beyond the price of gold awoke our land.
               For you taught
      Inconstancy is like a standard lost;
      And we who prove untrue in love or deed
         Will doubly shame an ancient name.
            Your robes were not all white,
            Your soul was not a sea
   Where all the crystal rivulets of God found room:
      But we must often to your lessons flee,
            Our truth with yours unite,
Before we meet the holy dayspring of the doom.


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