The Fourth Dimension

This book was published in 1912. The author is attempting to communicate a very complex interweaving of philosophy and mathematics, and it is often difficult to follow his train of thought. However, it is hard to refute his idea of a four dimensional universe passing through and, in a way, creating our three dimensional one.

"Mr Hinton tries to explain the theory of the fourth dimension so that the ordinary reasoning mind can get a grasp of what metaphysical mathematicians mean by it. If he is not altogether successful, it is not from want of clearness on his part, but because the whole theory comes as such an absolute shock to all one's preconceived ideas" - The Bristol Times (quoted within the book).

By : Charles Howard Hinton (1853 - 1907)

01 - Preface ; Chapter 1 - Four Dimensional Space

02 - Chapter 2 - The Analogy of a Plane World

03 - Chapter 3 - The Significance of a Fourth Dimensional Existence

04 - Chapter 4, part 1 - The First Chapter in the History of Four Space

05 - Chapter 4, part 2 - The First Chapter in the History of Four Space

06 - Chapter 5, part 1 - The Second Chapter in the History of Four Space

07 - Chapter 5, part 2 - The Second Chapter in the History of Four Space

08 - Chapter 5, part 3 - The Second Chapter in the History of Four Space

09 - Chapter 6, part 1 - The Higher World

10 - Chapter 6, part 2 - The Higher World

11 - Chapter 7 - The Evidence for a Fourth Dimension

12 - Chapter 8, part 1 - The Use of Four Dimensions in Thought

13 - Chapter 8, part 2 - The Use of Four Dimensions in Thought

14 - Chapter 8, part 3 - The Use of Four Dimensions in Thought

15 - Chapter 9, part 1 - Application to Kant's Theory of Experience

16 - Chapter 9, part 2 - Application to Kant's Theory of Experience

17 - Chapter 10, part 1 - A Four-Dimensional Figure

18 - Chapter 10, part 2 - A Four-Dimensional Figure

19 - Chapter 11, part 1 - Nomenclature and Analogies ...

20 - Chapter 11, part 2 - Nomenclature and Analogies ...

21 - Chapter 12 - The Simplest Four-Dimensional Solid

22 - Chapter 13, part 1 - Remarks on the Figures

23 - Chapter 13, part 2 - Remarks on the Figures

24 - Chapter 14, part 1 - A Recapitulation and Extension of the Physical Argument

25 - Chapter 14, part 2 - A Recapitulation and Extension of the Physical Argument

26 - Appendix 1, part 1 - The Models

27 - Appendix 1, part 2 - The Models

28 - Appendix 2, part 1 - A Language of Space

29 - Appendix 2, part 2 - A Language of Space


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