The Life Triumphant, Mastering the Heart and Mind

Are you tired of ignoring your conscience? Do you want to to follow the inward guide to wherever it may lead? Are you ready to realise your full potential even though those around you may have no idea how to relate? Then The Life Triumphant is for you. This book is uncompromising! It shows you the way to the realisation of that inward power that you have so long wanted to experience but have lacked the courage to pursue 100%. We were meant to be masters, not slaves. This book will show you "How to Master the Heart and Mind" and take up your place as the triumphant Director of your Life.

By : James Allen (1864 - 1912)

00 - Foreword

01 - Faith and Courage

02 - Manliness, Womanliness and Sincerity

03 - Energy and Power

04 - Self-Control and Happiness

05 - Simplicity and Freedom

06 - Right Thinking and Repose

07 - Calmness and Resource

08 - Insight and Nobility

09 - Man the Master

10 - Knowledge and Victory

Every Being Lives in his own mental world. His joys and sorrows are the creations of his own mind, and are dependent upon the mind for their existence. In the midst of the world, darkened with many sins and sorrows, in which the majority live, there abides another world, lighted up with shining virtues and unpolluted joy, in which the perfect ones live. This world can be found and entered, and the way to it is by self-control and moral excellence. It is the world of the perfect life, and it rightly belongs to man, who is not complete until crowned with perfection. The perfect life is not the faraway, impossible thing that men who are in darkness imagine it to be; it is supremely possible, and very near and real. Man remains a craving, weeping, sinning, repenting creature just so long as he wills to do so by clinging to those weak conditions. But when he wills to shake off his dark dreams and to rise, he arises and achieves.


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