The Lives of the Ancient Philosophers

François Fénelon became a priest in 1675, Archbishop of Paris in 1679, was spiritual advisor to Madame Guyon, and was appointed tutor to Louis, Duke of Burgundy (1682-1712) by Louis XIV in 1689. He wrote Dialogues of the Dead, and The Lives of the Ancient Philosophers as well as The Adventures of Telemachus expressly for his instruction. Fenelon wrote against the Jansenists and in favor of the Jesuits. He is also known for his Christian Perfection: Devotional Reflections on the Christian Life and Treatise on the Education of Girls..

By : François Fénelon (1651 - 1715)

01 - Life of Fenelon Part 1

02 - Life of Fenelon Part 2

03 - Thales

04 - Solon Part 1

05 - Solon Part 2

06 - Pittacus

07 - Bias

08 - Periander

09 - Chilo

10 - Cleobulus

11 - Epimenides

12 - Anacharsis

13 - Pythagoras

14 - Heraclitus

15 - Anaxagoras

16 - Democritus

17 - Empedocles

18 - Socrates

19 - Plato

20 - Antisthenes

21 - Aristippus

22 - Aristotle

23 - Xenocrates

24 - Diogenes Part 1

25 - Diogenes Part 2

26 - Crates

27 - Pyrrho

28 - Bion

29 - Epicurus Part 1

30 - Epicurus Part 2

31 - Zeno


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