The Mother's Dream, and Other Poems

This is a volume of poetry by Hannah Flagg Gould. Ms Gould was an immensely popular author of children's poetry during her lifetime, and her poems will still be enjoyed by children as well as adults today.

By : Hannah Flagg Gould (1788 - 1865)

01 - Blowing Bubbles

02 - Infant Faith

03 - Patty Proud

04 - I caught a Bird

05 - The Flower of Shells and Silver Wire

06 - The little Blind Boy

07 - The Sale of the Water Lily

08 - The Silver Birdsnest

09 - The Quaker Flower

10 - The Humming-Bird’s Anger

11 - The Sabbath

12 - The departing Spirit

13 - Sonnet

14 - Father, hear

15 - The Pilgrim’s Way Song

16 - The rising Monument

17 - A Name in the Sand

18 - A Child of a Year and a Day

19 - The Believer’s Mountains

20 - The Night and the Morning

21 - I shall be satisfied

22 - The Penitential Tear

23 - The Teachings of God

24 - The Herald’s Cry in the Desert

25 - Our Father’s Well

26 - The Mother’s Dream

27 - The War Spirit on Bunker’s Height

28 - The inner Self

29 - Time

30 - My Head

31 - The Wheat Field

32 - The little Traveller

33 - The entangled Fly

34 - The Peach Blossoms

35 - The broken Pipe

36 - Vivy Vain

37 - The Mocking-Bird

38 - The Bird’s Home

39 - The Bird uncaged

40 - Dame Biddy

41 - The envious Lobster

42 - Kit with the Rose

43 - The Storm in the Forest

44 - The uprooted Elm

45 - Through the Clouds

46 - My Rose Tree

47 - The Infant Baptist

48 - Hymn to Solitude

49 - The Bible in the Fields

50 - The hoary Head

51 - My Father

52 - A Sage hath departed

53 - The Burial of Schiller

54 - Funeral Hymn for President Harrison

55 - Dirge for Felicia Hemans

56 - She died, as dawned her Natal Day

57 - Written in an Album, after the Lines of a deceased Friend

58 - The Sovereign of Babylon

59 - The Deer Stricken by Torch-light

60 - The Death of Sapphira

61 - William at Sea

62 - My Portrait

63 - The Widow’s only Son

64 - The Young Mother

65 - Evening at Andover Seminary Hill

66 - Hymn of the parting Class

67 - The speckled one

68 - The Moon of a Wintry Night

69 - Tom Tar

70 - The Seaman’s Hymn

71 - The Mariner’s Song of Departure

72 - The Sea Eagle’s Fall

73 - The caged Lion

74 - The Traveller at the Red Sea

75 - The Hebrew Captives

76 - Fragments from 'Esther,' a Poem

77 - Gone in her Beauty

78 - The Nun

79 - Trees for the Pilgrim’s Wreath

80 - The Mushroom’s Soliloquy

81 - The Spirit and the Mountain

82 - The Fall of the Statue

83 - The Bird’s Maternal Care

84 - Song

85 - The White Moth

86 - Edward and Charles

87 - Music of the Crickets

88 - Childhood’s Dream

89 - The Fruit Tree Blossom

90 - The Plymouth Apple declined

91 - The half Apple

92 - The Horticulturist’s Table-Hymn

93 - The Whip-poor-will

94 - The Autumnal Rose-bud

95 - To L. A. E. on her Wedding-day

96 - To Mrs. H. F. L.

97 - Music

The Mother's Dream

“And I will give him the morning star.”

Methought, once more to my wishful eye
My beautiful boy had come:
My sorrow was gone, my cheek was dry,
And gladness around my home.
I saw the form of my dear, lost child!
All kindled with life he came;
And he spake in his own sweet voice, and smiled,
As soon as I called his name.
The garb he wore looked heavenly white,
As the feathery snow comes down,
And warm, as it shone in the softened light
That fell from his dazzling crown.
His eye was bright with a joy serene,
His cheek with a deathless bloom,
That only the eye of my soul hath seen,
When looking beyond the tomb.
The odors of flowers, from the thornless land
Where we deem that our blest ones are,
Seemed borne in his skirts; and his soft right hand
Was holding a radiant star.
His feet, unshod, looked tender and fair,
As the lily’s opening bell,
Half veiled in a cloud of glory, as there
Around him, in folds, it fell.
I asked him how he was clothed anew—
Who circled his head with light—
And whence he returned to meet my view
So calm and heavenly bright.
I asked him where he had been so long
Away from his mother’s care—
Again to sing me his infant song,
And to kneel by my side in prayer.
He said, “Sweet mother, the song I sing
Is not for an earthly ear:
I touch the harp with a golden string,
For the hosts of heaven to hear.
“It was but a gently fleeting breath,
That severed thy child from thee!
The fearful shadow, in time, called Death,
Hath ministered life to me.
“My voice in an angel choir I lift;
And high are the notes we raise:
I hold the sign of a priceless gift,
And the Giver, who hath our praise.
“‘The bright and the morning star’ is he,
Who bringeth eternal day!
And, mother, he giveth himself to thee,
To lighten thine earthly way.
“The race is short to a peaceful goal,
And He is never afar,
Who saith of the wise, untiring soul,
‘I will give him the morning star!’
“Thy measure of care for me was filled,
And pure to its crystal top;
For Faith, with a steady eye, distilled
And numbered every drop.
“While thou wast teaching my lips to move,
And my heart to rise in prayer,
I learned the way to a world above;
The home of thy child is there!
“The secret prayers, thou didst make for me,
That only thy God hath known,
Arose, like sweet incense, holy and free,
And gathered around his throne.
“My robe was filled with the perfume sweet
To shed upon this world’s air,
As I joyful knelt, at my Saviour’s feet,
For the glorious crown I wear.
“In that bright, blissful world of ours,
The waters of life I drink:
Behold my feet, as they ’ve pressed the flowers,
That grow by the fountain’s brink!
“No thorn is hidden to wound me there;
There ’s nothing of chill, or blight,
Or sighing to blend with the balmy air—
No sorrow—no pain—no night!”
“No parting?” I asked, with a burst of joy;
And the lovely illusion broke!
My rapture had banished my beauteous boy—
To a shadowy void I spoke.
But, O! that STAR of the morn still beams
With light to direct my feet
Where, when I have done with my earthly dreams,
The mother and child may meet.


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