The Three Midshipmen

This is the start of a series of four books following three friends through their career in the navy. Terence, Jack and Alick first meet at a boarding school, and become fast friends, not least because together they stand up to the school bullies. Later, they join the navy together, and though they join different ships and are mostly apart, adventures involving sea battles, storms, and even pirates, have a way of allowing their paths to cross in order to look after one another as they did in school.

By : William Henry Giles Kingston (1814 - 1880)

01 - Early Days

02 - In the Mediterranean

03 - Amongst the Greeks

04 - Alas, poor Paddy!

05 - Roasting the Bully

06 - Paddy Adair, Hurrah!

07 - To save the Flag

08 - Bound for Africa

09 - Wreck of the San Fernando

10 - Again United

11 - Life on an African Cruiser

12 - Adventures on Shore

13 - To fight his Friends

14 - In the Negro Prison

15 - In Search of Jack

16 - A Flight for Life

17 - Aboard the Prize

18 - An adventurous Voyage

19 - In perilous Condition

20 - Slave-Hunting

21 - Desperate Fighting

22 - Prisoners

23 - Bound for China

24 - Hot Fighting

25 - In desperate Condition

26 - Another fierce Conflict

27 - Chasing the Pirate Fleet

28 - The Midshipmen in Prison

29 - The Night Battle

30 - An Attempt at Escape

31 - On Board the Junk

32 - Fight to the Last!

33 - An old Acquaintance

34 - Promoted


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