Goblins and Pagodas

John Gould Fletcher is considered by many literary scholars to be among the most innovative twentieth-century poets. He enjoyed an international reputation for much of his long career and earned the Pulitzer Prize in poetry in 1939. Fletcher lived in England from 1909 to 1932 and while in Europe he associated closely with Amy Lowell, Ezra Pound, and other Imagist poets. In addition to being an adherent of Imagism, which used free verse and was dedicated to replacing traditional poetics with new rhythms, concise use of language, and a concrete rather than symbolic treatment of subject, Fletcher also wrote poetry that drew from such varied sources as French Symbolism, Oriental art and philosophy, and music. The 1st part of this book, "Ghosts of an Old House," evoke, out of the furniture and surroundings of a certain old house, emotions and childish terror which the poet had concerning them. In the "Symphonies," which form the second part of this volume, the poet narrates certain important phases of the emotional and intellectual development—in short, the life—of an artist.

By : John Gould Fletcher (1886 - 1950)

00 - Preface

01 - The Ghosts of an Old House - Prologue

02 - Part I. The House

03 - Part II. The Attic

04 - Part III. The Lawn

05 - Symphonies - Blue Symphony

06 - Solitude in the City (Symphony in Black and Gold)

07 - Green Symphony

08 - Golden Symphony

09 - White Symphony

10 - Midsummer Dreams (Symphony in White and Blue)

11 - Orange Symphony

12 - Red Symphony

13 - Violet Symphony

14 - Grey Symphony

15 - Poppies of the Red Year (A Symphony In Scarlet)


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