The Hollow Tree and Deep Woods Book

In the House of Many Windows which stands in a large city and is sometimes called a "flat" by people who, because they are grown up, do not know any better, live the Little Lady and the Story Teller.

The Little Lady is four years old, going on five, and is fond of stories. This makes her and the Story Teller good friends. They mostly sit in the firelight after supper, and while the Little Lady is being undressed they tell each other all that has happened since morning. Then the Little Lady looks into the fire and says:—

"Now, tell me a story."

Sometimes she wants a new story. Sometimes one of the old ones, which must be told always the same, because the Little Lady, like a good many grown up people, does not care for new and revised editions, but wants the old stories in the old words, that sound real and true. Sometimes the Story Teller forgets or improves on his plots, but the Little Lady never forgets and never fails to set the Story Teller right.

By : Albert Bigelow Paine (1861 - 1937)

01 - The Little Lady and the Storyteller: The hollow Tree People

02 - A Joke All Around

03 - Some New Acquaintances

04 - Mr. Rabbit's Big Dinner

05 - The Crow's Company

06 - The First Moon Story

07 - The Second Moon Story

08 - On the Edge of the World

09 - The First Pig Story

10 - The Second Pig Story

11 - Mr. Dog Takes Lessons in Dancing

12 - Mr Rabbit's Unwelcome Company

13 - How Mr. Dog Got Even, part 1

14 - How Mr. Dog Got Even, part 2

15 - The Little Lady's Vacation and Her Return

16 - The Story of the C.X. Pie, part 1

17 - The Story of the C.X. Pie, part 2

18 - The Story of the C.X. Pie, part 3

19 - Mr. Rabbit Explains

20 - Mr. Turtle's Thunder Story, part 1

21 - Mr. Turtle's Thunder Story, part 2

22 - A Rain in the Night

23 - A Deep Woods Fishing Party

24 - The Hollow Tree Inn, part 1

25 - The Hollow Tree Inn, part 2

26 - Mr. 'Possum Explains

27 - The Hollow Tree Poetry Club

28 - Around the World and Back Again

29 - Christmas At the Hollow Tree Inn - Good by to the Little Lady


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