Bible (DRV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon, Tobias

Tobias is the 17th book of the Bible and one of the history books of the Old Testament. In the text, Raphael, after revealing his angelic nature, ordered the father and son to recount all the miracles that God had done for them and write them down in a book. It is likely that parts of the book were written in the first person as an autobiography by Tobias the Elder. It was originally written during the Babylonian exile in the early 7th century BC. and that everything except the last chapter is the work of Tobias the elder and his son.

The natural story is divided into two parts: the loyalty of the elders Tobias and Sarah to the Lord; and God's loyalty to Tobias and Sarah through the care of the angel Raphael. The main purpose of the book is to show that God is loyal to those who are loyal to Him. Tobias the Elder did God's will through His prayers, almsgiving, and works of mercy by burying the dead. Tobias (son) and Sarah followed God's word through their chastity and prayer.

By : Douay-Rheims Version (DRV)


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