On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery

Joseph Lister was born in 1827 near London. He studied medicine at the University of London and pursued a career as a surgeon in Scotland. He later became Professor of Surgery in Glasgow (1877) at King's College Hospital in London. 

Lister's contribution to surgical progress cannot be overstated. Prior to his sterilization work, wounds were usually left open to heal, leaving no long, unsightly scars and rarely death from amputation or infection. Lister's work has resulted in many wounds being closed, mostly with sutures, dramatically reducing healing time, scarring, amputation, and death from infection. 
Lister retired in 1896, but was recalled a few days before the king's coronation to assist Edward VII with appendicitis surgery. The king later acknowledged Lister's ability to survive and recover quickly. Lister died in 1912.

By : Joseph Lister (1827 - 1912)


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