Principles of Economics, The Appendices

Principles of Economics was a leading economics textbook of Alfred Marshall (1842-1924), first published in 1890. Marshall began writing the book in 1881, and he spent much of the next decade at work on it.
His plan for the work gradually extended to a two-volume compilation on the whole of economic thought; the first volume was published in 1890 to worldwide acclaim that established him as one of the leading economists of his time. It brought the ideas of supply and demand, of marginal utility and of the costs of production into a coherent whole, and became the dominant economic textbook in England for a long period. The second volume, which was to address foreign trade, money, trade fluctuations, taxation, and collectivism, was never published at all.

By : Alfred MARSHALL (1842 - 1924)

01 - Appendix A: The Growth of Free Industry, Part 1

02 - Appendix A: The Growth of Free Industry, Part 2

03 - Appendix B: The Growth of Economic Science

04 - Appendix C: The Scope and Method of Economics

05 - Appendix D: Uses of Abstract Reasoning in Economics

06 - Appendix E: Definitions of Capital

07 - Appendix F: Barter

08 - Appendix G: The Incidence Of Local Rates

09 - Appendix H: Limitations of the Use of Statical Assumptions

10 - Appendix I: Ricardo’s Theory of Value

11 - Appendix J: Doctrine of the Wages-fund

12 - Appendix K: Certain Kinds of Surplus

13 - Appendix L: Ricardo’s Doctrine As To Taxes

14 - Mathematical Appendix, Part 1

15 - Mathematical Appendix, Part 2


Principles of Economics is a leading political economy or economics textbook of Alfred Marshall (1842–1924), first published in 1890. It ran into many editions and was the standard text for generations of economics students.

Marshall began writing the Principles of Economics in 1881 and he spent much of the next decade at work on the treatise. His plan for the work gradually extended to a two-volume compilation on the whole of economic thought; the first volume was published in 1890 to worldwide acclaim that established him as one of the leading economists of his time. The second volume, which was to address foreign trade, money, trade fluctuations, taxation, and collectivism, was never published at all. Over the next two decades he worked to complete his second volume of the Principles, but his unyielding attention to detail and ambition for completeness prevented him from mastering the work's breadth.

Marshall's influence on modifying economic thought is difficult to deny. He popularized the use of supply and demand functions as tools of price determination (previously discovered independently by Cournot); modern economists owe the linkage between price shifts and curve shifts to Marshall. Marshall was an important part of the "marginalist revolution;" the idea that consumers attempt to adjust consumption until marginal utility equals the price was another of his contributions. The price elasticity of demand was presented by Marshall as an extension of these ideas. Economic welfare, divided into producer surplus and consumer surplus, was contributed by Marshall, and indeed, the two are sometimes described eponymously as 'Marshallian surplus.' He used this idea of surplus to rigorously analyze the effect of taxes and price shifts on market welfare. Marshall also identified quasi-rents.


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