Christ's Object Lessons

An approachable explanation of the main parables used by Jesus Christ to teach His disciples how to live. Notably, this discussion highlights how the spiritual truths of Jesus' teaching were illustrated by everyday occurrences which would have been familiar to his hearers, such as sowing and harvesting grain, making bread, and searching for a lost coin. Included in this collection are explanations of The Parable of the Sower, The Pearl of Great Price, the Shrewd Manager, the Parable of the Talents, Lazarus and the Rich Man and others, followed by a general discussion of Christ's teachings on Prayer and the Love of God.

Ellen G. White was a founder of the Seventh Day Adventist church and has been named one of the 100 most significant Americans of all time, as well as one of the more important and colorful figures in the history of American religion. This is her second major book, following on from "Steps to Christ" published three years earlier.

By : Ellen G. White (1827 - 1915)

00 - Preface

01 - Teaching In Parables

02 - The Sower Went Forth to Sow

03 - First the Blade, then the Ear

04 - Tares

05 - Like a Grain of Mustard Seed

06 - Other Lessons from Seed-Sowing

07 - Like Unto Leaven

08 - Hidden Treasure

09 - The Pearl

10 - The Net

11 - Things New and Old

12 - Asking to Give

13 - Two Worshipers

14 - Shall not God Avenge His Own?

15 - This Man Receiveth Sinners

16 - Lost and Is Found

17 - Spare It This Year Also

18 - Go Into the Highways and Hedges

19 - The Measure of Forgiveness

20 - Gain That Is Loss

21 - A Great Gulf Fixed

22 - Saying and Doing

23 - The Lord's Vineyard

24 - Without a Wedding Garment

25 - Talents, Part 1

26 - Talents, Part 2

27 - Friends by the Mammon of Unrighteousness

28 - Who Is My Neighbour?

29 - The Reward of Grace

30 - To Meet the Bridegroom

31 - The Marriage Feast


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