Anatomy of the Human Body, Part 3 (Gray's Anatomy)

Henry Gray's classic anatomy textbook was first published in 1858 and has been in continuous publication ever since, revised and expanded through many successive editions. This recording is of the public-domain 1918 US edition (some information may be outdated). We have divided the book into five parts. Part 3 includes Angiology, Arteries, Veins, and the Lymphatic System.

By : Henry Gray (1827 - 1861)

01 - Angiology: Introduction

02 - The Blood

03 - Development of the Vascular System, part 1

04 - Development of the Vascular System, part 2

05 - The Thoracic Cavity; The Pericardium

06 - The Heart, part 1

07 - The Heart, part 2

08 - Peculiarities in the Vascular System in the Fetus

09 - The Arteries: Introduction

10 - The Aorta

11 - The Common Carotid Artery

12 - The External Carotid Artery, part 1

13 - The External Carotid Artery, part 2

14 - The Triangles of the Neck

15 - The Internal Carotid Artery

16 - The Arteries of the Brain

17 - Arteries of the Upper Extremity: The Subclavian Artery, part 1

18 - The Subclavian Artery, part 2

19 - The Axilla; The Axillary Artery

20 - The Brachial Artery

21 - The Radial Artery

22 - The Ulnar Artery

23 - Arteries of the Trunk: Descending Aorta; Thoracic Aorta

24 - The Abdominal Aorta, part 1

25 - The Abdominal Aorta, part 2

26 - The Common Iliac Arteries

27 - The Hypogastric Artery

28 - The External Iliac Artery

29 - The Arteries of the Lower Extremity: The Femoral Artery

30 - The Popliteal Fossa; The Popliteal Artery

31 - Anterior Tibial Artery; Arteria Dorsalis Pedis

32 - The Posterior Tibial Artery

33 - The Veins: Introduction

34 - Pulmonary Veins; Systemic Veins: Veins of the Heart

35 - Veins of Head and Neck: Veins of Exterior of Head and Face

36 - Veins of the Neck

37 - The Diploic Veins; Veins of the Brain

38 - Sinuses of Dura Mater, Ophthalmic Veins, Emissary Veins

39 - Veins of Upper Extremity and Thorax

40 - Veins of Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis, part 1

41 - Veins of Lower Extremity, Abdomen, and Pelvis, part 2

42 - The Portal System of Veins

43 - The Lymphatic System: Introduction

44 - The Thoracic Duct

45 - Lymphatics of the Head, Face, and Neck

46 - Lymphatics of the Upper Extremity

47 - Lymphatics of the Lower Extremity

48 - Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis, part 1

49 - Lymphatics of the Abdomen and Pelvis, part 2

50 - Lymphatic Vessels of the Thorax

Henry Gray (1827 – 13 June 1861) was an English anatomist and surgeon most notable for publishing the book Gray's Anatomy. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) at the age of 25.

Gray was born in Belgravia, London, in 1827 and lived most of his life in London. In 1842, he entered as a student at St. George’s Hospital, London (then situated in Belgravia, now moved to Tooting), and he is described by those who knew him as a most painstaking and methodical worker, and one who learned his anatomy by the slow but invaluable method of making dissections for himself.

While still a student, Gray secured the triennial prize of Royal College of Surgeons in 1848 for an essay entitled The Origin, Connexions and Distribution of nerves to the human eye and its appendages, illustrated by comparative dissections of the eye in other vertebrate animals. In 1852, at the early age of 25, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and in the following year he obtained the Astley Cooper prize of three hundred guineas for a dissertation “On the structure and Use of Spleen.”

In 1858, Gray published the first edition of Anatomy, which covered 750 pages and contained 363 figures. He had the good fortune of securing the help of his friend Henry Vandyke Carter, a skilled draughtsman and formerly a demonstrator of anatomy at St. George’s Hospital. Carter made the drawings from which the engravings were executed, and the success of the book was, in the first instance, undoubtedly due in no small measure to the excellence of its illustrations. This edition was dedicated to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Bart, FRS, DCL. A second edition was prepared by Gray and published in 1860. The book is still published under the title Gray's Anatomy and widely appreciated as an authoritative textbook for medical students.

Gray held successively the posts of demonstrator of Anatomy, curator of the museum and Lecturer of Anatomy at St. George’s Hospital and was in 1861 a candidate for the post of assistant surgeon.

Gray was struck by an attack of confluent smallpox, the most deadly type of the disease where individual lesions become so numerous that they join as a continuous, "confluent" sheet. He is assumed to have been infected due to his extended and meticulous caring for his ten-year-old nephew, Charles Gray, who did eventually recover. On the day he was to appear for an interview as a final candidate for a prestigious post at the St. George's Hospital, he died in London - 13 June 1861 - at the age of 34. He was buried at St James, Pancras and Highgate Cemetery. Gray had been vaccinated against smallpox as a child with one of the early forms of the vaccine.


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