Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases

A Practical Handbook of Pertinent Expressions, Striking Similes, Literary, Commercial, Conversational, and Oratorical Terms, for the Embellishment of Speech and Literature, and The Improvement of the Vocabulary of Those Persons Who Read, Write, and Speak English

Grenville Kleiser (1868–1953) was a North American author. He was the author of a long list of inspirational books and guides to oratorical success and personal development. Kleiser also worked as an instructor in Public Speaking at Yale Divinity School, Yale University.

Kleiser was born in 1868 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He married Elizabeth Thompson in 1894. Grenville died on August 27, 1953 in New York City.

Grenville Kleiser (1868 - 1935)

000 - Introduction

001 - How To Use This Book

002 - Plan of Study

003 - Useful Phrases: abandoned hope - ample culture

004 - Useful Phrases: amusing artlessness - azure sky

005 - Useful Phrases: babbling gossip - bygone period

006 - Useful Phrases: cabalistic phrase - collateral duties

007 - Useful Phrases: collective wisdom - contingent reasons

008 - Useful Phrases: continuous endeavor - cynical disregard

009 - Useful Phrases: damaging admission - diligently propagated

010 - Useful Phrases: dim comprehension - dynastic insolence

011 - Useful Phrases: eager animosity - entrancing sadness

012 - Useful Phrases: enveloping presence - exultant condition

013 - Useful Phrases: facetious mood - flickering conscience

014 - Useful Phrases: flighty obstinacy - futile babble

015 - Useful Phrases: gabbling reminiscences - gymnastic agility

016 - Useful Phrases: habitual deference - hysterical agitation

017 - Useful Phrases: iconoclastic attitude - incipient fancy

018 - Useful Phrases: incisive critic - inquisitional rack

019 - Useful Phrases: inquisitive observer - isolated splendor

020 - Useful Phrases: jaded sensibility - lying equivocations

021 - Useful Phrases: maddening monotony - meteoric splendors

022 - Useful Phrases: methodical regularity - mythical kingdom

023 - Useful Phrases: naive manner - overworked drudge

024 - Useful Phrases: pacific disposition - political malcontent

025 - Useful Phrases: polluting taints - pyrotechnic outburst

026 - Useful Phrases: quailing culprit - remarkable sagacity

027 - Useful Phrases: remedial measure - ruthless commercialism

028 - Useful Phrases: sacerdotal preeminence - shuddering reluctance

029 - Useful Phrases: shuffling preliminaries - starched sterility

030 - Useful Phrases: starlit eminence - systematic interaction

031 - Useful Phrases: tacit assumption - tyrannical disposition

032 - Useful Phrases: ubiquitous activity - undue predilection

033 - Useful Phrases: undulating hills - unpalatable truth

034 - Useful Phrases: unparalleled atrocities - utmost scorn

035 - Useful Phrases: vacant stupidity - vulnerable foe

036 - Useful Phrases: wabbling enterprise - zoologically considered

037 - Significant Phrases: abashed and ashamed - awkwardness and crudity

038 - Significant Phrases: babel and confusion - civilized and cultured

039 - Significant Phrases: clamorous and wild - cynical and contemptuous

040 - Significant Phrases: dangers and pitfalls - digressive and wanton

041 - Significant Phrases: dilatory and hesitating - dwindle and disappear

042 - Significant Phrases: eagerness and ecstasy - exuberant and infectious

043 - Significant Phrases: fabulous and fabricated - futile and untrustworthy

044 - Significant Phrases: gaiety and grace - hypocrisy and impudence

045 - Significant Phrases: ideas and achievements - indomitable and dogged

046 - Significant Phrases: indorsed and applauded - isolated and detached

047 - Significant Phrases: jabber and chatter - luxury and pomp

048 - Significant Phrases: madness and folly - mystic and wonderful

049 - Significant Phrases: nagging and squabbling - overworked and fagged

050 - Significant Phrases: pains and penalties - puzzled and affected

051 - Significant Phrases: quackery and incompetence - rust and disuse

052 - Significant Phrases: sad and melancholy - spacious and lofty

053 - Significant Phrases: sparkling and spontaneous - sympathetic and consoling

054 - Significant Phrases: taciturn and laconic - tyrant and oppressor

055 - Significant Phrases: unaccountable and grotesque - vulgar and artificial

056 - Significant Phrases: wandering and erratic - zigzag and deviating

057 - Felicitous Phrases: ability, humor, and perspicacity - busy, active, and toiling

058 - Felicitous Phrases: curious, fantastic, and charming - calculated, logical, and dispassionate

059 - Felicitous Phrases: dwarfed, scant, and wretched - danger, difficulty, and hardship

060 - Felicitous Phrases: eagerness, heartiness, and vehemence - fustian, padding, and irrelevancy

061 - Felicitous Phrases: gaunt, desolate, and despoiled - humor, fancy, and susceptibility

062 - Felicitous Phrases: idle, profuse, and profligate - luxurious, whimsical, and selfish

063 - Felicitous Phrases: magnificent, sumptuous, and stately - overriding, arrogant, and quarrelsome

064 - Felicitous Phrases: pain, toil, and privation - puzzles, tangles, and questionings

065 - Felicitous Phrases: quarrels, misunderstandings, and enmities - rush, roar, and shriek

066 - Felicitous Phrases: sacredness, dignity, and loveliness - sympathy, service, and compassion

067 - Felicitous Phrases: talent, scholarship, and refinement - wrinkled, careworn, and pale

068 - Impressive Phrases: able, skilful,... - business, profession,...

069 - Impressive Phrases: candid, sincere,... - dull, heavy,...

070 - Impressive Phrases: earth, air,... - gross, academic,..

071 - Impressive Phrases: habit, custom,... - lucidity, impressiveness,...

072 - Impressive Phrases: malice, anger,... - purpose, meaning,...

073 - Edit: Impressive Phrases: quack, imposture,... - symmetry, proportion,..

074 - Edit: Impressive Phrases: tact, courtesy,... - worry, annoyance,...

075 - Prepositional Phrases of: abandon of spontaneity - business of life

076 - Prepositional Phrases of: cadences of delirium - dust of defeat

077 - Prepositional Phrases of: earnestness of enthusiasm - futility of pride

078 - Prepositional Phrases of: gaiety of spirit - irony of life

079 - Prepositional Phrases of: jangle of sounds - overflow of vitality

080 - Prepositional Phrases of: page of desolation - ruts of conventionality

081 - Prepositional Phrases of: sadness of soul - system of aspersion

082 - Prepositional Phrases of: taint of megalomania - zone of delusion

083 - Prepositional Phrases by: affected by externals - hushed by denial

084 - Prepositional Phrases by: impelled by duty - wrenched by emotions

085 - Prepositional Phrases in: absorbed in meditation - kept in abeyance

086 - Prepositional Phrases in: landmarks in memory - weak in conception

087 - Prepositional Phrases into: abashed into silence - goaded into action

088 - Prepositional Phrases into: hushed into silence - withdraw into solitude

089 - Prepositional Phrases to: addicted to flattery - hostile to progress

090 - Prepositional Phrases to: impervious to suggestion - yield to reason

091 - Prepositional Phrases with: abounding with plenty - intoxicated with joy

092 - Prepositional Phrases with: kindle with enthusiasm - work with zeal

093 - Business Phrases

094 - Literary Expressions: A bitterness crept into her face - A nimble-witted opponent

095 - Literary Expressions: A painful thought was flooding his mind - A wordless farewell

096 - Literary Expressions: Absolutely vulgarized by too perpetual a parroting - Awaiting his summons to the eternal silence

097 - Literary Expressions: Bandied about from mouth to mouth - Dull black eyes under their precipice of brows

098 - Literary Expressions: Earth danced under a heat haze - Guilty of girlish sentimentality

099 - Literary Expressions: Half choked by a rising paroxysm of rage - Humiliating paltriness of revenge

100 - Literary Expressions: I capitulated by inadvertence - Kiss-provoking lips

101 - Literary Expressions: Laden with the poignant scent of the garden honeysuckle - Rudely reminded of life's serious issues

102 - Literary Expressions: Sacrificed to a futile sort of treadmill - Swift summer into the autumn flowed

103 - Literary Expressions: Taking the larger sweeps in the march of mind - The hungry curiosity of the mind

104 - Literary Expressions: The idiosyncratic peculiarities of thought - The swing of the pendulum through an arch of centuries

105 - Literary Expressions: The tempered daylight of an olive garden - Twilight creeps upon the darkening mind

106 - Literary Expressions: Unapproachable grandeur and simplicity - Your mind enthroned in the seventh circle of content

107 - Striking Similes: A blind rage like a fire swept over him - And the smile she softly uses fills the silence like a speech

108 - Striking Similes: As a child in play scatters... - Awkward as a cart-horse

109 - Striking Similes: Babbling like a child - Dull as champagne

110 - Striking Similes: Each like a corpse within its grave - Great scarlet poppies lay in drifts...

111 - Striking Similes: Hair as harsh as tropical grass and gray as ashes - Hushed like a breathless lyre

112 - Striking Similes: I had grown pure as the dawn and the dew - Kingdoms melt away like snow

113 - Striking Similes: Laboring like a giant - Like a yellow silken scarf the thick fog hangs

114 - Striking Similes: Like an alien ghost I stole away - Like sweet thoughts in a dream

115 - Striking Similes: Like the awful shadow of some unseen power - Lovely the land unknown...

116 - Striking Similes: March on my soul nor like the laggard stay - Quivering like an eager race-horse to start

117 - Striking Similes: Rage, rage ye tears, that never more should creep... - Swifter than the twinkling of an eye

118 - Striking Similes: Talking and thinking became to him... - The music almost died away...

119 - Striking Similes: The name that cuts into my soul like a knife - Then the lover sighing like furnace

120 - Striking Similes: Theories sprouted in his mind like mushrooms - Turning easily and securely as on a perfect axle

121 - Striking Similes: Unbends like a loosened bow - Youth like a summer morn

122 - Conversational Phrases: A most extraordinary idea! - Human nature interests me very much indeed

123 - Conversational Phrases: I admire your foresight - I could never forgive myself for that

124 - Conversational Phrases: I dare say your intuition is quite right - I seem to have heard that sentiment before

125 - Conversational Phrases: I shall at once proceed to forget it - It has never occurred to me

126 - Conversational Phrases: It is a curious fact - It would take too long to formulate my thought

127 - Conversational Phrases: Join us, please, when you have time - Surely you would not countenance that

128 - Conversational Phrases: Tell me in what way you want me to help you - True, I forgot!

129 - Conversational Phrases: Undeniably true - Would you mind telling me your opinion?

130 - Conversational Phrases: Yes and no - Your statement is somewhat startling

131 - Public Speaking Phrases: A fact of vast moment - And next I would ask

132 - Public Speaking Phrases: And now allow me to call attention - Away then with the notion

133 - Public Speaking Phrases: Be assured, then - But it has been suggested to me

134 - Public Speaking Phrases: But it is a fact - By this time it will be suspected

135 - Public Speaking Phrases: Can it be supposed - Granting all this

136 - Public Speaking Phrases: Had I time for all that might be said - However, it is to me a very refreshing thing

137 - Public Speaking Phrases: I abide by my statement - I am willing to know

138 - Public Speaking Phrases: I anticipate with pleasing expectation - I distrust all general

139 - Public Speaking Phrases: I do again and again urge upon you - I hasten to concede

140 - Public Speaking Phrases: I have a dark suspicion - I hope you will not accuse me

141 - Public Speaking Phrases: I imagine that no one will be disposed - I rejoice to think I remark here

142 - Public Speaking Phrases: I remember a reference made - I thank you very sincerely for the honor

143 - Public Speaking Phrases: I think I am correct in saying - I yielded to the earnest solicitations

144 - Public Speaking Phrases: If any man be so persuaded - In widening our view

145 - Public Speaking Phrases: Indeed, can anyone tell me - It is my present purpose

146 - Public Speaking Phrases: It is natural to ask the question - It may still more probably be said

147 - Public Speaking Phrases: It must be a cause of delight - Just the reverse is true

148 - Public Speaking Phrases: Language is inadequate to voice my appreciation - My regret is intensified by the thought

149 - Public Speaking Phrases: Nay, I boldly say - Now, you will understand from this

150 - Public Speaking Phrases: Observe again - Surely it is not too much for me to say

151 - Public Speaking Phrases: Take another instance - The whole story of civilization

152 - Public Speaking Phrases: Then again, in corroboration - Think of the cool disregard

153 - Public Speaking Phrases: This absurdity arises - Very strange is this indeed

154 - Public Speaking Phrases: We all agree as to - What strikes the mind so forcibly

155 - Public Speaking Phrases: What, then, are we to believe - Your presence seems to say

156 - Miscellaneous Phrases: A bewildering labyrinth of facts - A pleasant flow of appropriate language

157 - Miscellaneous Phrases: A pompous failure - Ample scope for the exercise of his astonishing gifts

158 - Miscellaneous Phrases: An abandoned and exaggerated grief - Awaited with feverish anxiety

159 - Miscellaneous Phrases: Bandied to and fro - Dwindled to alarmingly small dimensions

160 - Miscellaneous Phrases: Easy-going to the point of lethargy - Hopelessly belated in its appearance

161 - Miscellaneous Phrases: I adjured him - Its dominating and inspiring influence

162 - Miscellaneous Phrases: Jealous and formidable foes - Quixotically generous about money

163 - Miscellaneous Phrases: Radiantly and transparently happy - Swift and vehement outbursts of feeling

164 - Miscellaneous Phrases: Take root in the heart - The sycophants of the rich


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