Black Beauty

Black Beauty is a fictional autobiographical memoir told by a horse, who recounts many tales, both of cruelty and kindness. The title page of the first edition states that it was "Translated from the Original Equine by Anna Sewell." It was composed in the last years of her life, during which she was confined to her house as an invalid. After its publication in 1877, Sewell lived just long enough to see her first and only novel become an immediate bestseller, as well as it encouraging the better treatment of many cruelly-treated animals.

Although initially intended for people who work with horses, it soon became a children's classic. While outwardly teaching animal welfare, it also contains allegorical lessons about how to treat people with kindness, sympathy and respect. The story is narrated in the first person and each short chapter relates an incident in Black Beauty's life, with Sewell's detailed observations and extensive descriptions of horse behaviour lending the novel a good deal of verisimilitude.

By : Anna Sewell (1820 - 1878)

01 - My Early Home

02 - The Hunt

03 - My Breaking In

04 - Birtwick Park

05 - A Fair Start

06 - Liberty

07 - Ginger

08 - Ginger's Story Continued

09 - Merrylegs

10 - A Talk in the Orchard

11 - Plain Speaking

12 - A Stormy Day

13 - The Devil's Trade Mark

14 - James Howard

15 - The Old Ostler

16 - The Fire

17 - John Manly's Talk

18 - Going for the Doctor

19 - Only Ignorance

20 - Joe Green

21 - The Parting

22 - Earlshall

23 - A Strike for Liberty

24 - The Lady Anne, or a Runaway Horse

25 - Reuben Smith

26 - How it Ended

27 - Ruined and Going Downhill

28 - A Job Horse and His Drivers

29 - Cockneys

30 - A Thief

31 - A Humbug

32 - A Horse Fair

33 - A London Cab Horse

34 - An Old War Horse

35 - Jerry Barker

36 - The Sunday Cab

37 - The Golden Rule

38 - Dolly and a Real Gentleman

39 - Seedy Sam

40 - Poor Ginger

41 - The Butcher

42 - The Election

43 - A Friend in Need

44 - Old Captain and His Successor

45 - Jerry's New Year

46 - Jakes and the Lady

47 - Hard Times

48 - Farmer Thoroughgood and His Grandson Willie

49 - My Last Home

The story is narrated in the first person as an autobiographical memoir told by the titular horse named Black Beauty—beginning with his carefree days as a colt on an English farm with his mother, to his difficult life pulling cabs in London, to his happy retirement in the country. Along the way, he meets with many hardships and recounts many tales of cruelty and kindness. Each short chapter recounts an incident in Black Beauty's life containing a lesson or moral typically related to the kindness, sympathy, and understanding treatment of horses, with Sewell's detailed observations and extensive descriptions of horse behaviour lending the novel a good deal of verisimilitude.

The book describes conditions among London horse-drawn taxicab drivers, including the financial hardship caused to them by high licence fees and low, legally fixed fares. A page footnote in some editions says that soon after the book was published, the difference between 6-day taxicab licences (not allowed to trade on Sundays) and 7-day taxicab licences (allowed to trade on Sundays) was abolished and the taxicab licence fee was much reduced.


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