Edgar Allan Poe Poems

Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849) is widely famed as one of the greatest writers of all time. He is best known for his works of horror, such as "The Tell Tale Heart." However, and this is less known, Poe also wrote many love poems. In this collection of forty-eight poems by Edgar Allan Poe we will go through a wide variety of themes, from horror and raw creepiness in "The Raven" to pure love in "A Valentine" to depression in "Alone." Throughout all of his poems Poe kept a very strong meter and rhyme scheme. This is most obvious in "The Bells."

By : Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849)

01 - The Raven

02 - The Bells

03 - Ulalume

04 - To Helen

05 - Annabel Lee

06 - A Valentine

07 - An Enigma

08 - To My Mother

09 - For Annie

10 - To F-----

11 - To Francis S. Osgood

12 - Eldorado

13 - Eulalie

14 - To Marie Louise (Shew)

15 - The City in the Sea

16 - The Sleeper

17 - Bridal Ballad

18 - Lenore

19 - To One In Paradise

20 - The Coliseum

21 - The Haunted Palace

22 - The Conqueror Worm

23 - Silence

24 - Dream Land

25 - Hymn

26 - To Zante

27 - Sonnet to Science

28 - Forest Reverie

29 - The Valley of Unrest

30 - Israfel

31 - To --

32 - To ---

33 - To the River

34 - Song

35 - Spirits of the Dead

36 - A Dream

37 - Romance

38 - Fairy-Land

39 - The Lake

40 - Evening Star

41 - The Happiest Day

42 - Imitation

43 - Hymn to Aristogenton and Harmodius

44 - Dreams

45 - In Youth I Have Known One

46 - A Paean

47 - Alone

48 - The Village Street


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