The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing

This little book is presented to you to evidence our appreciation of
your patronage. We trust you will examine its contents closely, for you
will find within its covers many things that will prove entertaining,
instructive and useful.

It is new and up-to-date and has been expressly compiled for our
patrons. Only matter of real interest and value has been included in its

It is a general experience that answers to those questions which arise
most often in  every-day life are hardest to find. Information on
practical subjects is usually just beyond your reach when it is most
desired. You will use this little book every day when you "want to

It is equally valuable to all classes, men as well as women; to workers
generally as well as people of leisure. It is the book for the busy
housekeeper as well as the woman of fashion.

We shall feel amply repaid for the painstaking labor, care and expense
which we have bestowed upon this little volume if its constant utility
to you more firmly cements your good will to our establishment.

Just a few words about the advertisements. They are from concerns of
established reputation whose products we freely recommend with full
confidence that they are the best of their respective kinds. The index
to the advertising section is on pages 5 and 6.

By : Joseph Trienens

01 - Introduction and Index of Advertisers

02 - Etiquette: Courtship and Marriage

03 - Customs of Mourning, Visiting Cards, and Dress. Anniversaries

04 - Colors. Care of Teeth. The Perfect Figure.

05 - The Brain. Misnamed Things. Jesus' Death Sentence. A Lady's Chance of Marrying.

06 - Shaving. Facts to Settle Arguments.

07 - The Single Tax, Hypnotism, Care of a Piano, Salt-Rising Bread

08 - Doing Business with a Bank

09 - Facts about States and Cities.

10 - Theosophy. Evolution. Sparrows. Feminine Height and Build. When a Man Comes of Age.

11 - Dreams

12 - Flowers. Writing. Eyes. Palmistry.

13 - Riddles. Last Words. Toasts. Precious Stones.

14 - Grammar.

15 - Accent and Pronunciation. Spelling. Punctuation. Use of Capitals.

16 - Names of God. Sponges. Don't be Buried Alive. How to Serve Wine.

17 - Steps to American Liberty. The Declaration of Independence.

18 - The U.S. Constitution, Articles I and II

19 - The U.S. Constitution, Articles III-VII and Amendments.

20 - Workingmen. Presidents.

21 - The Art of Not Forgetting.

22 - Memory Rhymes. Happiness Defined. The Depths of Space. Eulogy on the Dog.

23 - Health and Beauty. Infant Feeding and Management.

24 - Names of Months and Days. Tips for Housekeepers. Character in Faces. Modern Fables. Mileage Between Cities

25 - Law and Legal Holidays.

26 - Chamois Skins. Meaning of Names.

27 - American Cities. State Flowers. Height of Structures. Age of Trees. Dictionary of Aeronautics. College Colors. Osteopathy.

28 - Trademarks and Patents. Shakespeare's Counsel. Money.

29 - Facts of General Interest. Some of Nature's Wonders. Rules of the Road. Canary Birds.

30 - Recipes and Trade Secrets, Part 1.

31 - Recipes and Trade Secrets, Continued.

32 - Opportunity. Weights and Measures. Phrenology. Parliamentary Law.

33 - Friendly Advice on Many Subjects

34 - Accidents and Emergencies. Poisons. Philosophical Facts.

35 - Advertisements, Part 1

36 - Advertisements, part 2

37 - Advertisements, Part 3

38 - Advertisements, Part 4

39 - Advertisements, Part 5

40 - Advertisements, Part 6

41 - Advertisements, Part 7

42 - Advertisements, Part 8

43 - Advertisements, Part 9


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