Spoon River Anthology

Spoon River Anthology, is a collection of short free verse poems that collectively narrates the epitaphs of the residents of Spoon River, a fictional small town named after the real Spoon River that ran near Masters' home town of Lewistown, Illinois. The aim of the poems is to demystify rural and small town American life. The collection includes 212 separate characters, in all providing 244 accounts of their lives, losses, and manner of death. Many of the poems contain cross-references that create an unabashed tapestry of the community.

By : Edgar Lee Masters (1868 - 1950)

001 - The Hill

002 - Hod Putt

003 - Ollie McGee

004 - Fletcher McGee

005 - Robert Fulton Tanner

006 - Cassius Hueffer

007 - Serepta Mason

008 - Amanda Barker

009 - Constance Hately

010 - Chase Henry

011 - Harry Carey Goodhue

012 - Judge Somers

013 - Kinsey Keene

014 - Benjamin Pantier

015 - Mrs. Benjamin Pantier

016 - Reuben Pantier

017 - Emily Sparks

018 - Trainor, the Druggist

019 - Daisy Fraser

020 - Benjamin Fraser

021 - Minerva Jones

022 - 'Indignation' Jones

023 - Doctor Meyers

024 - Mrs. Meyers

025 - 'Butch' Weldy

026 - Knowlt Hoheimer

027 - Lydia Puckett

028 - Frank Drummer

029 - Hare Drummer

030 - Conrad Siever

031 - Doc Hill

032 - Andy the Night-Watch

033 - Sarah Brown

034 - Percy Bysshe Shelley

035 - Flossie Cabanis

036 - Julia Miller

037 - Johnnie Sayre

038 - Charlie French

039 - Zenas Witt

040 - Theodore the Poet

041 - The Town Marshal

042 - Jack McGuire

043 - Dorcas Gustine

044 - Nicholas Bindle

045 - Jacob Goodpasture

046 - Harold Arnett

047 - Margaret Fuller Slack

048 - George Trimble

049 - Dr Siegfried Iseman

050 - 'Ace' Shaw

051 - Lois Spears

052 - Justice Arnett

053 - Willard Fluke

054 - Aner Clute

055 - Lucius Atherton

056 - Homer Clapp

057 - Deacon Taylor

058 - Sam Hookey

059 - Cooney Potter

060 - Fiddler Jones

061 - Nellie Clark

062 - Louise Smith

063 - Herbert Marshall

064 - George Gray

065 - Hon. Henry Bennett

066 - Griffy the Cooper

067 - Sexsmith The Dentist

068 - A. D. Blood

069 - Robert Southy Burke

070 - Dora Williams

071 - Mrs. Williams

072 - William and Emily

073 - The Circuit Judge

074 - Blind Jack

075 - John Horace Burleson

076 - Nancy Knapp

077 - Barry Holden

078 - State's Attorney Fallas

079 - Wenell P. Bloyd

080 - Francis Turner

081 - Franklin Jones

082 - John M. Church

083 - Russian Sonja

084 - Isa Nutter

085 - Barney Hainsfeather

086 - Petit, the Poet

087 - Pauline Barrett

088 - Mrs. Charles Bliss

089 - Mrs. George Reece

090 - Rev. Lemuel Wiley

091 - Thomas Ross, Jr.

092 - Rev. Abner Peet

093 - Jefferson Howard

094 - Judge Selah Lively

095 - Albert Schirding

096 - Jonas Keene

097 - Eugenia Todd

098 - Yee Bow

099 - Washington McNeely

100 - Paul McNeely

101 - Mary McNeely

102 - Daniel M'Cumber

103 - Georgine Sand Miner

104 - Thomas Rhodes

105 - Ida Chicken

106 - Penwit Graham

107 - Jim Brown

108 - Robert Davidson

109 - Elsa Wertman

110 - Hamilton Greene

111 - Ernest Hyde

112 - Roger Heston

113 - Amos Sibley

114 - Mrs. Sibley

115 - Adam Weirauch

116 - Ezra Bartlett

117 - Amelia Garrick

118 - John Hancock Otis

119 - Anthony Findlay

120 - John Cabanis

121 - The Unknown

122 - Alexander Thockmorton

123 - Jonathan Swift Somers

124 - Widow McFarlane

125 - Carl Hamblin

126 - Editor Whedon

127 - Eugene Carman

128 - Clarence Fawcett

129 - W. Lloyd Garrison Standard

130 - Professor Newcomer

131 - Ralph Rhodes

132 - Mickey M'Grew

133 - Rosie Roberts

134 - Oscar Hummel

135 - Roscoe Purkapile

136 - Mrs. Purkapile

137 - Josiah Tompkins

138 - Mrs. Kessler

139 - Harmon Whitney

140 - Bert Kessler

141 - Lambert Hutchins

142 - Lillian Stewart

143 - Hortense Robbins

144 - Batterton Dobyns

145 - Jacob Godbey

146 - Walter Simmons

147 - Tom Beatty

148 - Roy Butler

149 - Searcy Foote

150 - Edmund Pollard

151 - Thomas Trevelyan

152 - Percival Sharp

153 - Hiram Scates

154 - Peleg Poague

155 - Jeduthan Hawley

156 - Abel Melveny

157 - Oakes Tutt

158 - Elliott Hawkins

159 - Voltaire Johnson

160 - English Thornton

161 - Enoch Dunlap

162 - Ida Frickey

163 - Seth Compton

164 - Felix Schmidt

165 - Schroeder the Fisherman

166 - Richard Bone

167 - Silas Dement

168 - Dillard Sissman

169 - Jonathan Houghton

170 - E.C. Culbertson

171 - Shack Dye

172 - Hildrup Tubbs

173 - Henry Tripp

174 - Granville Calhoun

175 - Henry C. Calhoun

176 - Alfred Moir

177 - Perry Zoll

178 - Dippold the Optician

179 - Magrady Graham

180 - Archibald Higbie

181 - Tom Merrit

182 - Mrs Merritt

183 - Elmer Karr

184 - Elizabeth Childers

185 - Edith Conant

186 - Charles Webster

187 - Father Malloy

188 - Ami Green

189 - Calvin Campbell

190 - Henry Layton

191 - Harlan Sewall

192 - Ippolit Konovaloff

193 - Henry Phipps

194 - Harry Wilmans

195 - John Wasson

196 - Many Soldiers

197 - Godwin James

198 - Lyman King

199 - Caroline Branson

200 - Anne Rutledge

201 - Hamlet Micure

202 - Mabel Osborne

203 - William H. Herndon

204 - Rebecca Wasson

205 - Rutherford McDowell

206 - Hannah Armstrong

207 - Lucinda Matlock

208 - Davis Matlock

209 - Herman Altman

210 - Jennie M'Grew

211 - Columbus Cheney

212 - Wallace Ferguson

213 - Marie Bateson

214 - Tennessee Claflin Shope

215 - Plymouth Rock Joe

216 - Imanuel Ehrenhardt

217 - Samuel Gardner

218 - Dow Kritt

219 - William Jones

220 - William Goode

221 - J. Milton Miles

222 - Faith Matheny

223 - Scholfield Huxley

224 - Willie Metcalf

225 - Willie Pennington

226 - The Village Atheist

227 - John Ballard

228 - Julian Scott

229 - Alfonso Churchill

230 - Zilpha Marsh

231 - James Garber

232 - Lydia Humphrey

233 - Le Roy Goldman

234 - Gustav Richter

235 - Arlo Will

236 - Captain Orlando Killion

237 - Jeremy Carlisle

238 - Joseph Dixon

239 - Judson Stoddard

240 - Russell Kincaid

241 - Aaron Hatfield

242 - Isaiah Beethoven

243 - Elijah Browning

244 - Webster Ford

245 - The Spooniad

246 - The Epilogue

The first poem serves as an introduction:

"The Hill"
Where are Elmer, Herman, Bert, Tom and Charley,
The weak of will, the strong of arm, the clown, the boozer, the fighter?
All, all are sleeping on the hill.
One passed in a fever,
One was burned in a mine,
One was killed in a brawl,
One died in a jail,
One fell from a bridge toiling for children and wife—
All, all are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping on the hill.
Where are Ella, Kate, Mag, Lizzie and Edith,
The tender heart, the simple soul, the loud, the proud, the happy one?—
All, all are sleeping on the hill.
One died in shameful child-birth,
One of a thwarted love,
One at the hands of a brute in a brothel,
One of a broken pride, in the search for heart’s desire;
One after life in far-away London and Paris
Was brought to her little space by Ella and Kate and Mag—
All, all are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping on the hill.
Where are Uncle Isaac and Aunt Emily,
And old Towny Kincaid and Sevigne Houghton,
And Major Walker who had talked
With venerable men of the revolution?—
All, all are sleeping on the hill.
They brought them dead sons from the war,
And daughters whom life had crushed,
And their children fatherless, crying—
All, all are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping on the hill.
Where is Old Fiddler Jones
Who played with life all his ninety years,
Braving the sleet with bared breast,
Drinking, rioting, thinking neither of wife nor kin,
Nor gold, nor love, nor heaven?
Lo! he babbles of the fish-frys of long ago,
Of the horse-races of long ago at Clary’s Grove,
Of what Abe Lincoln said
One time at Springfield.

Each following poem is an autobiographical epitaph of a dead citizen, delivered by the dead themselves. Characters include Tom Merritt, Amos Sibley, Carl Hamblin, Fiddler Jones and A.D. Blood. They speak about the sorts of things one might expect: some recite their histories and turning points, others make observations of life from the outside, and petty ones complain of the treatment of their graves, while few tell how they really died. The subject of afterlife receives only the occasional brief mention, and even those seem to be contradictory. Speaking without reason to lie or fear the consequences, they construct a picture of life in their town that is shorn of façades. The interplay of various villagers — e.g. a bright and successful man crediting his parents for all he's accomplished, and an old woman weeping because he is secretly her illegitimate child — forms a gripping, if not pretty, whole.


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