The Christmas Book

For many kids, Christmas time is the most exciting time of the year. Reading stories such as these can help making this season extra special and exciting. Or they can bring a little Christmas spirit into a different time of the year if they are read and listened to in spring or summer. In any case, children and grown-ups will find them enjoyable.

By : Hezekiah Butterworth (1839 - 1905)

01 - How Dot heard 'The Messiah'

02 - Christmas in the Catacombs, AD 176

03 - The Vision of Constantine, AD 312

04 - St. Patrick at Tara, AD 432

05 - The Snow Bird

06 - The Conversion of the Franks, AD 496

07 - Good Luck

08 - The Christmas Crowning of Charlemagne, AD 800

09 - The Coronation of William the Conqueror, AD 1066

10 - The Clocks of Kenilworth

11 - At Runnymede, AD 1213

12 - 'No Christmas! No Christmas!'

13 - ''Twas Christmas on the Delaware'

14 - Christmas Eve at Santa Fé

15 - In the Cabin of the Mayflower, AD 1620

16 - The Christmas Hymn of Columbus in the New World, AD 1492

17 - The Pilgrims' Easter Lily


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