The Mind and the Brain

This book is a prolonged effort to establish a distinction between what is called mind and what is called matter. Nothing is more simple than to realise this distinction when you do not go deeply into it; nothing is more difficult when you analyse it a little. At first sight, it seems impossible to confuse things so far apart as a thought and a block of stone; but on reflection this great contrast vanishes, and other differences have to be sought which are less apparent and of which one has not hitherto dreamed.

First let us say how the question presents itself to us. The fact which we must take as a starting point, for it is independent of every kind of theory, is that there exists something which is "knowable." Not only science, but ordinary life and our everyday conversation, imply that there are things that we know. It is with regard to these things that we have to ask ourselves if some belong to what we call the mind and others to what we call matter.

Let us suppose, by way of hypothesis, the knowable to be entirely and absolutely homogeneous. In that case we should be obliged to set aside the question as one already decided. Where everything is homogeneous, there is no distinction to be drawn. But this hypothesis is, as we all know, falsified by observation. The whole body of the knowable is formed from an agglomeration of extremely varied elements, amongst which it is easy to distinguish a large number of divisions. Things may be classified according to their colour, their shape, their weight, the pleasure they give us, their quality of being alive or dead, and so on; one much given to classification would only be troubled by the number of possible distinctions.

Since so many divisions are possible, at which shall we stop and say: this is the one which corresponds exactly to the opposition of mind and matter? The choice is not easy to make; for we shall see that certain authors put the distinction between the physical and the mental in one thing, others in another. Thus there have been a very large number of distinctions proposed, and their number is much greater than is generally thought. Since we propose to make ourselves judges of these distinctions, since, in fact, we shall reject most of them in order to suggest entirely new ones, it must be supposed that we shall do so by means of a criterion. Otherwise, we should only be acting fantastically. We should be saying peremptorily, "In my opinion this is mental," and there would be no more ground for discussion than, if the assertion were "I prefer the Romanticists to the Classicists," or "I consider prose superior to poetry."

By : Alfred Binet (1857 - 1911)

01 - Book 1 The Definition of Matter - Chapter 1 - Introduction

02 - Book 1 Chapter 2 - Our Knowledge of External Objects only Sensation

03 - Book 1 Chapter 3 - The Mechanical Theories of Matter are only Symbols

04 - Book 1 Chapter 4 - Answers to some Objections, and Summary

05 - Book 2 - The Defnition of Mind - Chapter 1 - The Distinction between Cognition and its Object

06 - Book 2 Chapter 2 - Definition of Sensation

07 - Book 2 Chapter 3 - Definition of the Image

08 - Book 2 Chapter 4 - Definition of the Emotions

09 - Book 2 Chapter 5 - Definition of the Consciousness—The Relation Subject-Object

10 - Book 2 Chapter 6- Definition of the Consciousness—Categories of Understanding

11 - Book 2 Chapter 7 - Definition of the Consciousness—The Separability of the Consciousness from its Object—Discussion of Idealism

12 - Book 2 Chapter 8 - Definition of the Consciousness—The Separation of the Consciousness from its object—The Unconscious

13 - Book 2 Chapter 9 - Definitions of Psychology

14 - Book 3 - The Union of the Soul and the Body - Chapter 1 - The Mind Has an Incomplete Life

15 - Book 3 Chapter 2 - Spiritualism and Idealism

16 - Book 3 Chapter 3 - Materialism and Parallelism

17 - Book 3 Chapter 4 - Modern Theories

18 - Book 3 Chapter 5 - Conclusion

19 - Book 3 Chapter 6 - Recapitulation


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